9 Parts of Fruit and Vegetables Are Often Wasted, Even though Many Benefits


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Fruits and vegetables are good and important sources of nutrition for the body. Maybe you only know that the fruit part of the fruit contains nutrients and you can eat it. So even with vegetables. Even though you can consume the stems, roots, seeds, or skin and turn out to be beneficial for the health of the body. Read the following reviews about parts of fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients and you can eat them.

Benefits of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have no doubt the benefits for the body. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are an important part of healthy living. Fruit and vegetable can also be used as a base for making drugs that counteract various diseases, as well as being a provider of water so that the body remains hydrated.

Parts of fruits and vegetables that can be consumed

Parts of fruits and vegetables such as fruit peels, vegetable stems, or seeds that you often throw away have a myriad of benefits if you consume them. Here is a list of fruit and vegetable parts that are good for health.

1. Apple skin

When you are a child, your parents may be accustomed to serving apples that have been cleansed as a snack. This is done because the skin is often not consumed because it is rather hard and difficult to break when chewed.

However, you need to know that apple skin contains quercetin, which is one of the antioxidants that maintain lung and brain health. In addition, apples are also eaten along with the skin contains more fiber and vitamins than just eating apples that have been cleansed.

If you don't like the hard texture, you can enjoy apples at the same time with the skin by making juice. This will be easier and it certainly feels good. However, make sure the fruit has been washed clean, huh.

2. Citrus fruit skin

There are many types of citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, lime, and many more. Often you throw away the part of the skin because it is considered unworthy to eat. However, reported from the Hufftington Post, a study conducted in 2004 showed that citrus fruit skin can reduce cholesterol more effectively than some drugs prescribed by doctors.

Polmoxylation flavone compounds are useful for preventing heart disease and inflammation in the body. It feels bitter if you eat it directly, so you can process it first. The trick, soak the orange peel in water, cut it as desired, and mix it on the menu you will make.

3. Beet leaves

Maybe only a few people know about beetroot. This fruit is a type of tubers that resembles reddish purple potatoes. Usually people only consume the roots. However, the leaves in this plant can also be consumed.

The leaves contain various main fibers, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin K. You can process it by sauteed, it feels almost the same as kale.

4. Watermelon skin

Watermelon is often served as fruit ice or rujak. The fruit contains a lot of water so it is suitable for consumption when the weather is hot. An amino acid called L-citruline can improve muscle performance and reduce muscle soreness.

In addition, citruline also plays a role in removing nitrogen in the blood. Apparently, the amino acid content is not only in the fruit, the watermelon skin also contains the same nutrients.

5. Radish leaves

vegetable and fruit section

Just like beet leaves, radish leaves can also be consumed by sauteed. The leaves contain lots of vitamin A, vitamin K, iron, potassium, and various sources of fiber needed by the body. So, from now on it's better to consume both of these parts along with the leaves and roots to get greater benefits for your health.

6. Potato skin

Have you ever noticed, most restaurants serve potatoes that are not cleaned? Apparently, this is done so that the content of B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and other nutrients is not wasted. From now on you can process a variety of dishes from potatoes without cleaning the skin. However, make sure you wash it thoroughly clean.

7. Pumpkin seeds

When you cut pumpkin fruit, there are many seeds in it like melons. In addition to the fruit, pumpkin seeds turned out to also be consumed. Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, iron, protein, and phytosterol which can reduce bad cholesterol levels and prevent various diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis and headaches.

8. Spinach stems

Often spinach is made vegetables and most of the stem is removed. You need to know, spinach stems contain more fiber than the leaves and the fiber content is as large. For that, do not set aside all parts of the spinach when used as a vegetable.

9. Broccoli stems

Green vegetables are often recommended for consumption because the benefits of broccoli are good for health. Most broccoli creations only use the flower head part. Even though the trunk also contains many vitamins and nutrients which are a pity if passed. Even though it's a little hard, you can cut it into several pieces, so it's easy to eat and processed together with the flower head.

It is important to ensure the fulfillment of daily nutritional needs with fruits and vegetables. However, whatever fruit and vegetables will be beneficial for the body if it is processed and washed well and correctly. Consult your doctor first if you have a certain condition or disease before eating vegetables or fruit which is feared to worsen your health.

9 Parts of Fruit and Vegetables Are Often Wasted, Even though Many Benefits
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