Alert! Too Long Left, Senile Cataracts Can Trigger Glaucoma


Medical Video: Cataract Surgery (2009)

There are various types of cataracts which also cause various causes. Among all these types, senile cataracts or cataracts that occur as a result of the aging process are the most common types of cataracts. Handling at the right time promises good results.

However, delay in treatment due to various things can trigger complications, one of which is quite often glaucoma. Glaucoma alone can cause blindness. Then what kind of cataracts should you watch out for? Check out the article below to get complete information.

What is the maturity level of senile cataracts?

There are four levels of cataract maturity that can occur in senile cataracts, namely:

  • Immature cataract. This type of cataract is characterized by a lens that changes color to opaque at only a few points.
  • Mature cataracts. At this level all the lens colors have turned into opaque.
  • Hypermatic cataracts. Further levels of mature cataracts cause changes in the front membrane of the lens. The membrane becomes wrinkled and shrinks due to discharge from the lens.
  • Cataract morgagni. This level is the last phase of cataracts due to aging.

Can all types of cataracts cause glaucoma?

Not all types of cataracts can cause glaucoma. However, in mature, hypermatured, and also morgagni senile cataracts can trigger glaucoma. Closed angle glaucoma generally occurs in mature cataracts, whereas in hypermaturated cataracts and morgagni cataracts, closed angle glaucoma will occur.

Closed angle glaucoma in mature cataracts occurs because the lens that experiences cataracts has a larger size than the normal lens so that it pushes the room in the front of the eye chamber.

Open-angle glaucoma that occurs in hypermatic cataracts is caused by lens particles that come out of the lens sheath and accumulate in the fluid outlet of the eyeball located in the front chamber area.

What symptoms occur?

Severe pain in the eye area accompanied by a feeling of excessive glare, redness of the eyes, and a sharp decrease in vision that occurs suddenly is a symptom that can be felt. This symptom is similar to the symptoms that occur in attacks of acute glaucoma, which distinguishes only the history of cataracts that you have.

What to do?

If glaucoma has occurred due to cataracts, the treatment of glaucoma must be done first. Treatment of glaucoma can be done with drugs or laser. The method chosen by the eye doctor depends on the type of glaucoma that occurs and the severity.

When the pressure of the eyeball can be controlled, then a surgical removal of the lens that has experienced the cataract can be performed. Consult further with your ophthalmologist to determine the best treatment steps and methods.

So, when should we undergo cataract surgery?

Regular eye examinations, once a year, can help to detect cataracts from the start. However, determining the right time for cataract surgery will depend on the level of maturity of the cataract when you come to the examination, the sharp disturbances in your vision, and eye diseases or other diseases that accompany it.

Consult your ophthalmologist to find out exactly when the best time for you to get cataract surgery.

Alert! Too Long Left, Senile Cataracts Can Trigger Glaucoma
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