Appetite Increases? Maybe Something Is Wrong With Your Bone


Medical Video: A Boy Ate 150 Gummy Vitamins For Breakfast. This Is What Happened To His Bones.

Feeling appetite has increased lately? If so, maybe you will feel hungry. Of course this habit will make you at risk of experiencing various chronic diseases, from diabetes to heart disease. Your weight will also increase rapidly if your high appetite is not controlled.

For some people, it's not easy to control appetite. However, it turns out there are new ways to control appetite, namely by maintaining bone health. Yes, it turns out, bone can also affect a person's appetite. How can?

What is the relationship between appetite and bone health?

Apparently, the skeleton does not only function as a protective organ and a means of movement, but also has an influence on digestion and your appetite Yes, this has even been proven in a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation. It could be, the appetite increases which has been a result of the influence of your bones.

Research conducted by experts from the Montreal Clinical Research Institute states that bones play an important role in controlling appetite to metabolic processes in the body.

So, how can bone affect a person's appetite?

So, in the bone there is a part called osteoblasts. This part of the bone is responsible for forming and building bone cells and tissues, so that bones become solid until now. Well, besides that osteoblasts also produce the hormone ostecalcin which also plays a role in the metabolic process.

appetite increases during PMS

Well, Ostecalcin will also help the body regulate the excess sugar in the blood by increasing the production of the hormone insulin. With blood sugar always under control, the appetite-regulating hormones will also be present under normal circumstances.

If this happens, your appetite will be controlled and not excessive. Another thing if there is a disruption in the bone, whether the bone becomes porous and not solid, then the amount of osteocalcin will decrease. This will affect blood sugar levels and ultimately make your appetite increase.

Another thing that can increase appetite

From the research, it can be concluded that the importance of maintaining bone health. When your bones experience certain health problems, you not only have difficulty moving, but your metabolism and appetite increases.

Even so, it is not only bone health disorders that can increase appetite, but there are still a number of other things, such as:

  • Hormonal changes, which often occur in women who are menstruating or entering menopause.
  • Hypertrodism
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

If indeed your appetite increases suddenly, then pay attention to your health at that time. See if there are symptoms that appear. If there is something strange that you feel, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Appetite Increases? Maybe Something Is Wrong With Your Bone
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