No Need to Ramble Long, Discipline Your Little One with the Time Out Method


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Method time out is a way of disciplining children by giving time for children to reflect on their mistakes. This method attracts a lot of parents' attention because it is far from "playing hands" aka physical violence or nagging at length. Actually, what is the method like time out that? Come on, follow the guidelines below when giving a punishment for a child.

Discipline children with methods time out

Children often make mistakes and make you stroke your chest. In order to deter, you certainly need a strategy in disciplining children, one of them is by method time out.

Aim time out not torturing children by locking them up somewhere, but training children to learn to calm themselves, while releasing anger and resentment.

This method is usually applied to parents when your child enters the age of 2 years and above. At that age, your baby is able to control himself much better and has understood what the consequences are if he makes a mistake. This can make a method time outso it's a powerful way to discipline children.

Don't worry, so the method time out succeed, you need to consider some of the following rules.

1. Select the appropriate time and place

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When you apply the method time out,the first step you take is to choose the right place. Make sure the child is away from the traffic of the house, the sound of the television, toys, or any other form of interference. This quiet place must make children bored and inevitably reflect on their mistakes.

Even if you order your child to "be alone", that doesn't mean you leave the child unattended. You still have to put your eyes on, but not directly pacing around. Enough to peek at times, but do not let eye contact between you and the child occur.

After you decide on the area time out,determine how long the child must reflect on his slits. Reporting from the Parents page, the safest time rule is one minute per year from the age of the child. If your child is 2 years old, then he must reflect on his own gap for two minutes. If you feel that this time is not enough, you can add an additional duration of two minutes.

An easy way to practice it is to select the corner of the empty room, provide a chair, and face the child facing the wall, backing the family.

2. Use this method at the right moment

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Although this method can work, applying it too often can make a child immune. That means the method time out no longer effective and you have to find other ways to discipline his attitude. You may have to emphasize that this method is only done if the child starts tantrums, beats or bites his friend, or throws things.

If the mistake is due to playing out of time, forgetting to do the daily chores of the house, or throwing out any trash, you should apply another punishment that is more suitable. You can punish children by reducing their playing hours to help you clean the house, water the plants, or tell them to study.

3. Obey the rules of the game

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In order for this method of disciplining children to be effective, you need to follow a number of rules, such as:

  • Give the child a warning first.When a child begins to show signs of tantrums, give the child a warning first, for example "Don't throw a toy, then the toy is broken. If not want to obey, Mama told me to go to the room, huh. "
  • Give the child an explanation of why he should be silent.If the child ignores your warning, ask the child to go to the area time out.Then, explain what are the reasons he should be left sitting alone.
  • Set timer.Duration time out you must arrange. Don't get too fast or too long. During these times, make sure you leave your child alone, don't ask him to talk, or respond to his whining.
  • Teach children to admit mistakes and apologize.After time time out run out, immediately ask the child what are the mistakes. Ask the child to apologize and promise not to repeat the same mistakes.
  • Forgive, hug, and forget.After the child says sorry and shows remorse, do not forget to teach and give examples of children to forgive the mistakes of others. Then, hug and show your love again. Punishment and disciplining the child is enough to get there, you no longer need to chatter at length. Let the child return to activity as usual and the atmosphere gets warm again.
No Need to Ramble Long, Discipline Your Little One with the Time Out Method
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