This Research Successfully Proves That Humans Are Social Creatures


Medical Video: David Brooks: The social animal

You must have heard the term "humans are social beings". This theory has indeed been developed since time immemorial. However, recent research has found new evidence that humans really are creatures that are good at socializing with each other.

Every day you will receive a lot of information from the people around you. For example the latest news from social media, news from family, when socializing with neighbors, or when meeting new friends in the office. At the same time, all the information you get will be immediately recorded, digested, and stored in the brain. Even the figure and nature of new friends in the office can continue to imagine in your head when you are resting or sleeping.

The brain is easier to process interactions with humans than inanimate objects

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Reporting from Science Daily, a recent study published in the Cerebral Cortex article found that the brain records all events and conversations that occur, even when you are resting or sleeping. This process occurs in two parts of the brain, the medial prefrontal cortex and temporoparietal junction. Both areas of the brain play an important role in processing information, improving memory, carrying out cognitive functions, and evaluating the personality of others.

During the study, 19 participants were asked to do two tasks, namely translating social and non-social codes. Social codes are values ​​inherent in humans, while non-social codes are intended for inanimate objects.

In the first assignment, participants were shown photos of people with certain professions, then were asked to mention two characteristics that describe the person. For example, when given a photo of a doctor, participants mentioned social values ​​that are usually attached to the doctor, for example educated and sincere. Next, they are asked to rate on a scale of 1 to 100 on a computer screen.

After taking a break, participants were given the second assignment. The difference is that the photo shown is not a human photo, but a certain place or location. For example beach, mountain, or park views. Then the participants were also asked to mention their characteristics. For example the mountain is closely related to coolness and calm.

Experts found that while resting, two areas of the brain, the medial prefrontal cortex and temporoparietal junction, became very active after participants saw photos of people, compared to when viewing photos of inanimate objects or certain scenes.

This indicates that the brain is easier to digest the information received when you socialize - aka events related to humans - rather than inanimate objects. When information is easily digested, you will also find it easier to remember and analyze it. That is what makes humans very good at socializing and interacting with each other.

Why is everyone's way of socializing different?

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The human brain has more than 86 billion nerves that are connected to each other. The brain consists of several parts with their respective functions, one of which is the cerebral cortex.

When you socialize with others, the cerebral cortex records and digests all your processes while socializing. After the information is digested, the brain sends signals to certain parts of the body to respond.

If your mood is good, the part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, will be more open and make you friendly to others. Conversely, when you feel offended, the cerebral cortex will close more so you are more easily angry.

However, not everyone will give the same response to an event. For example, you might laugh out loud when you hear your favorite comedian joke, while others don't laugh at all.

According to experts, this is because the psychological condition of each person is different. As a result, the way everyone socializes will also vary. Some are smiling and friendly when socializing, some are flat and don't show much emotion. However,everything around you greatly influences the way you socialize.

This Research Successfully Proves That Humans Are Social Creatures
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