Be Careful, Excessive Weight Loss Can worsen Psoriasis Symptoms


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Obesity not only increases the risk of various chronic diseases. If you have psoriasis, excessive weight can worsen the symptoms that arise. Recent research shows that obese people with large abdominal circumference have a twice the risk of experiencing more severe psoriasis recurrence.

Psoriasis can not heal, only comes and goes, aka relapse

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the skin. Skin that experiences psoriasis feels dry and itchy, cracked, painful, and hot as if it is burning, even to bleeding.

Psoriasis cannot be cured because it is recurrent, especially when triggered by certain risk factors. Psoriasis severity is very dependent on each individual. In some people, psoriasis will appear as a mild irritation; while in others, psoriasis will cause a decrease in quality of life.

Why obesity can make psoriasis symptoms worse?

The cause of psoriasis is still unknown. However, some risk factors for psoriasis can worsen the symptoms - for example skin wounds, infections, and drug use.

Recently, a study showed that the risk of psoriasis increased with increased weight and abdominal circumference. The study, which involved 33,734 people who were followed for 10 years, showed that excessive weight and abdominal circumference can increase the risk of psoriasis by doubling. Other studies also show that psoriasis patients who are obese have more severe symptoms.

Researchers suspect that fat tissue, especially abdominal fat (visceral fat), produces the chemical adipokine which triggers chronic inflammation. Some adipokines that appear to increase chronic inflammatory conditions, such as leptin, visfatin, and resistin are found in greater numbers in people with psoriasis. In contrast, fewer anti-inflammatory adipokines (adiponectin).

In addition, macrophages (immune cells) in fat tissue also contribute to the production of chemicals that cause inflammation in psoriasis, such as IL-6 and TNF-α. The high level of chemicals that cause inflammation is thought to increase insulin resistance, causing disorders of fat metabolism, hypertension, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


Recent research shows that excess weight can increase the risk of recurrence of psoriasis. The more weight and the wider the circumference of your stomach, the higher the risk of psoriasis. Therefore, people with psoriasis can reduce weight as a step to prevent psoriasis that is experienced to worsen and reduce the frequency of recurrence.

Be Careful, Excessive Weight Loss Can worsen Psoriasis Symptoms
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