Beware, Defending Defecation Can Have Fatal Effects


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Everyone needs to defecate every day. This general activity certainly applies to all people from every age, sex, even social class background. But what happens if we don't defecate for days?

One of the cases related to BAB problems occurred in early 2013. Reported from, the case of holding back extreme defecation occurred in a teenager named Emily Titterington (16 years) who came from Cornwall, England. He died February 8, 2013 because he did not have a bowel movement for 8 weeks!

Teenagers who suffer from mild autism, throughout their ages have experienced problems with bowel movements. He was also afraid to go into the toilet, so he chose to keep defecating. The results of a medical examination of his death stated that Emily suffered a fatal heart attack, which was caused by an enlarged intestine that suppressed several other internal organs.

Pathologist Amanda Jeffery explained that Emily had a very massive enlarged intestine. At the hospital where Emily was being treated, the nurse in charge, Lee Taylor, also said that Emily's stomach looked enlarged.

Lee saw Emily twice on the night of her death. He also said, "His stomach is really enlarged. Emily's lower ribs have been pushed over her genital bones. "

The doctor who treated Emily, Alistair James, said that Emily actually didn't need to suffer like that. "His death can be prevented with proper care and time," he said.

Unfortunately, still said James, the laxative prescribed for Emily was refused to be used, because he was also afraid to be examined at the hospital.

Cases of death due to not being able to defecate or hold a bowel movement are very rare. However, people who suffer from hardened stools or pups that are difficult to remove are common, although they are rarely experienced in adults and are more common in children, said child psychologist Carin Cunningham.

"Usually more experienced by children. This is a response to pain due to constipation, so children are afraid to push, "Carin said.

Difficulties for defecation in children, may be more often experienced in children who suffer from autism. "Because the pain threshold is lower and they cannot relate to what their body experiences," Carin said.

Constipation cases actually occur less frequently when children reach adolescence, because teenagers are usually aware that something is wrong when they hold back defecation or difficult bowel movements.

The frequency of defecation in each person varies greatly. Generally once a day, there are even up to three times a day, some once in 4 days. If there is a change in habits in your bowel movements, immediately consult and consult a doctor. Especially if accompanied by the presence of blood in the stool, the fever is long enough, and weight loss without a clear cause.

Also, do not hold farts

Generally, removing wind or farting is one sign or signal for you if it's time for bowel movements. Dispose of wind can occur anytime and anywhere, and many people are embarrassed to do it in public places. However, researchers who examined the problem of farting, suggested not to resist farting, even when on a plane, because it could endanger our health.

To, expert gastroenterologist at Mathias Strowski said, farting is a normal biological process. Everyone can produce 1.5 liters of gas in the body every day.

"Most of it goes through the intestinal wall to the blood, breaks down in the liver, and is blown out through the lungs," Strowski said.

Strowski also explained that fart contains several substances, such as nitrogen, oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. What causes fart can smell is because there is a mixture of hydrosulfide.

Then, if you are in a public and crowded place, should you be detained or not? A number of researchers who published the results of their research at New Zealand Medical Journal answer, "Just let it go,"Don't hold the alias. Farts that are detained will interfere with digestion, cause stomach ache, and also bloat.

Same as holding the bowel, holding fart can make the intestines cramp and air is stuck in the stomach.


  • Sleeplessness, this is a medical explanation
  • The risk of illness you have is based on your blood type
  • Crying blood, a health phenomenon that may occur in women
Beware, Defending Defecation Can Have Fatal Effects
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