5 Reasons Why You Go Back and forth with the Flu


Medical Video: Influenza (Flu)

The average person often catches flu when the weather changes. But in fact, this is not always the case. People who have a strong immune system will easily prevent diseases such as flu or sore throat. In addition, there are still a number of other things that can cause you to get flu easily. Why does the body get frequent flu, huh? Let's look at the causes below.

Cause You often catch the flu

1. Your food is still not healthy

If you still like to eat unhygienic food, snacking outside carelessly allows you to get frequent flu. Poor diet also increases the risk of various diseases.

Another thing that can also be influential is when you eat foods that do not contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs. Because in general the nutritional and nutritional needs of the body will differ depending on the age group. To avoid flu and various other diseases, it's a good idea to eat something like this:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat containing low fat protein
  • Limit daily intake of fat, sodium and sugar
  • Nuts or seeds

2. Your body lacks vitamin D

If you often get sick, you might be able to increase your vitamin D intake. A recent study found that vitamin D supplements might make someone more likely to be at lower risk of developing acute respiratory tract. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with a weak immune system.

Increase your vitamin D intake with foods such as fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms. Being outside, or in the morning sun for 10-15 minutes, can also be a powerful way to get vitamin D for the body.

3. Dehydration

Every tissue and organ in your body depends on fluids in the body. Body fluids can help bring nutrients and minerals, and function to keep your mouth, nose and throat moist. Whereas the dry mouth, nose and throat make it easy to get sick.

Mild dehydration symptoms are difficult to recognize, but there are indeed a number of things you can pay attention to. For example if you often get flu, headaches, pain in certain parts of the body, get tired quickly and even constipation or difficult bowel movements

4. Lack of sleep

The immune system releases hormone cytokines when you sleep. Cytokine hormones are part of natural proteins that function against inflammation and diseases in the body.

Also, be aware that your body needs more cytokine protein when you are sick or stressed. Your body cannot produce enough protective protein if you lack sleep. If you lack sleep, you are reducing the body's natural ability to fight infections and viruses.

Most adults need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each day, while teens and children need to sleep 10 hours every day.

5. Hands not clean

Maintaining hand hygiene is obligatory, because dirty and unclean hands will trigger many diseases. Generally, the hands will come into contact with many germs throughout the day. If you don't wash your hands regularly, then unconsciously touching your face, lips, or food, you can spread the disease. You will also eventually infect yourself.

Therefore, from now on, apply hand washing three times a day using water with antibacterial soap for 20 seconds. If clean water and soap are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers that contain at least 60 percent alcohol.

5 Reasons Why You Go Back and forth with the Flu
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