Come on, prevent migraines that often relapse with these 5 healthy foods!


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Having migraines that often recur is tiring. Don't worry, you can actually prevent migraines from coming up with certain foods. Yes, real healthy food can make you free from migraine symptoms, you know. Then, what should be consumed so that the migraine does not recur?

List of foods that help prevent migraines

To prevent migraines, you need to do a healthy diet consisting of eating fresh foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Fresh and unprocessed foods tend not to contain flavorings such as monosodium glutamate (MSG). Because, flavoring is an ingredient that can trigger migraines in some people. The following are various migraine prevention foods that you can consume:

1. Dark green leafy vegetables

heating spinach

Dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in nutrients. Spinach, kale, lettuce and broccoli are healthy vegetables that you can consume to prevent migraines. Spinach for example is rich in vitamin B2, B6 and also omega 3 which has been proven to reduce migraines. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin has been shown to effectively reduce the frequency and duration of headaches including migraines.

2. Grains and beans

baked beans

Grains and nuts help prevent headaches including migraines. Quoted from Prevention, research shows that people who have migraines and cluster headaches tend to have lower magnesium levels in their bodies.

However, the frequency of a person's migraine attacks is reduced by 41 percent after taking magnesium supplements. Therefore, you are advised to consume magnesium-rich nuts and seeds products such as sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and peanuts.

3. Red meat

cause of infertile men

Although it seemed unhealthy but The American Academy of Neurology and the Canadian Headache Society stated that red meat can help prevent migraines. Red meat is a type of meat that has a red color due to pigments contained in these animals such as cows, goats and buffaloes.

Red meat is rich in CoQ10, a natural compound in your body, and vitamin B2. CoQ10 or coenzyme 10 is an antioxidant needed in human cell development. In addition, these compounds also help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules including solutions to headaches that never end.

However, the National Headache Foundation recommends that you do not consume meat products that are not as fresh as those that have been dried, fermented, acidified, marinated or smoked because they can trigger migraines.

4. Eggs

chicken egg white

Eggs are one of the nutrient-rich food sources. One of the nutrients contained in eggs is vitamin B, including vitamin B2. As mentioned earlier vitamin B2 is very effective in helping reduce the frequency of headaches, intensity, and duration.

In two large-sized chicken eggs, riboflavin is usually 24 percent which is sufficient for your daily intake. Therefore, eggs are considered a nutrient-rich food that can help prevent migraines.

5. Whole grains

wheat type

Did you know whole grains are one of the headache medications that you might never have expected. Whole grains are a type of grain that has not undergone a processing or grinding process. So, it still contains all parts of the seed itself. Therefore, the nutritional content is still complete such as fiber, B vitamins, iron, copper, selenium, potassium, and magnesium

The group of foods included in whole grains is wheat, oatmeal (whole oat), brown rice, brown rice, black rice, and sorghum.

Come on, prevent migraines that often relapse with these 5 healthy foods!
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