Short-bodied men are more at risk of experiencing baldness at a young age


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Once in their 50s, there will be many male populations on this earth who have bald heads thanks to a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia. Indeed, not all men will automatically experience baldness. But it turns out that short-bodied men can get bald faster at a younger age than tall men. Wow! What is the reason?

Short men generally experience early puberty

The height of a person is more or less influenced by genetic derivatives of parents. On the other hand, a team of researchers from the University of Bonn found that the genetic code that causes short-bodied men also increases their risk of experiencing baldness at a young age.

The researchers theorize this maybe because all the factors above are also influenced by testosterone levels, male sex hormones. High testosterone levels encourage boys to experience early puberty. Boys who experience early puberty also often experience growth plate closure (growth plate) This is what causes them to eventually have short stature, because their bones stop growing elongated.

Why might a short man have a bald head faster?

Testosterone is also the main reason behind male baldness, which then circulates in the bloodstream and binds to receptors in the hair follicles. It has long been known that men who have high testosterone levels are more at risk of developing baldness. "This hormone can act very slowly, for years, so (signs of baldness) can appear 20 years after you pass puberty," said lead researcher Dr. Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, quoted from Elite Daily.

The only drug that can guarantee preventing baldness in men is by castration, which can stop testosterone production. However, Heilmann-Heimbach ensures that baldness is not an inevitable fate for short men, so you don't have to bother registering to a fertility clinic to be castrated.

So far, researchers only know the link between short stature and the risk of a bald head. Not to mention the risks are relatively small. Researchers also do not know the actual process of causation from the two factors above.

Short-bodied men are more at risk of experiencing baldness at a young age
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