Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy, Increase the Risk of Autism in Grandchildren in the Future


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"Smoking can cause cancer, heart attack, impotence, and disorders of pregnancy and the fetus." You must be familiar with the danger warning that is evident in each pack of cigarettes. More specifically, smoking during pregnancy can cause premature babies, low birth weight (LBW), and even stillbirths. But apparently, the effect of pregnant women smoking is not just stoppingonly children born.

Smoking during pregnancy will also continue to have a negative impact on your lineage onward. A study says that smoking can increase your risk of autism in your grandchildren and grandchildren.

Pregnant women smoke increase their risk of autism in their grandchildren and grandchildren

This finding was reported by a group of research teamsfrom England, who made observations on14,500 people from the data Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC).

Drawing conclusions from the data, the research team revealed that a girl whose grandmother smoked during her mother's pregnancy showed risk symptoms of autism up to 67 percent.In addition, this study found an increased risk of developing autism spectrum disorders by 53 percent in grandchildren of smokers. The characteristics of autism were found in more than 7 thousand participants, but only 117 children were officially diagnosed with GSA.

The study also reports that the risk of autism only occurs in granddaughters whose grandmothers smoke. The effect is not the same if it is the biological mother who smokes.

The study also has not been able to prove whether the effects of pregnant women on smoking will have the same effect on their grandchildren. Even so, researchers did not specialize in observing one sex only.

How can smoking during pregnancy have a negative impact on grandchildren?

Researchers suspect that the increased risk of autism in granddaughters of grandmothers who smoke is sourced from exposure to toxic smoke from the fetuswhen still in the womb.

Cigarette smoke toxins will cause damage to the gene which then changes the code of the child's DNA in the womb. Keep in mind that the toxic effects of cigarettes will also change your own genetic code as a prospective parent.

Well, researchers found that the risk of grandchildren experiencing autism will be higher if the genetic damage specifically affects the mitochondria, which are energy-producing cells. Mitochondria are only passed on to the next generation through egg cells, which means they are only passed down by the mother.

Genes in the fetus are formed from a combination of the father's gene and the mother's genes. Later, the most dominant gene will determine the child's physical and psychological condition. For example if you like a mother who likes to smoke since before pregnancy. Your genes damaged by exposure to cigarette poisons will be carried away by the egg cell. If this damaged gene is strong enough and dominant, it will survive in the fetus which is formed from the meeting of sperm cells and egg cells.

smoking while pregnant

However, your child's body will only become a "host" for the genes that cause autism. This gene only hangs on the mother's body, not attacking in the form of illness. Either because this gene is not dominant in the mother's body or because of other factors such as the healthy lifestyle that the child has.

However, the genes that cause autism do not just disappear. The father of your grandchild may have a similar gene. As a result, your grandchild gets a combination of genes that cause autism from father and mother. The gene turns out to be dominant in your grandchild's body so he was born with autism. Simply put, genes (both healthy and damaged) will continue to be carried down through generations. But it is the talent of disease that might jump a generation.

The research team added that the influence of genetic changes on the mitochondria might not directly affect the first offspring, but the effect could be stronger in the next generation. But about why only the granddaughter was affected and not to the grandson, the researchers still did not find a clear explanation.

Don't smoke while pregnant

Many bad effects can be received by children and grandchildren if pregnant women smoke. The effect will be equally detrimental even if you don't smoke, but still breathe cigarette smoke.

So, stay away from smoking and cigarette exposure while pregnant to protect your baby's well-being.

If your partner or person around you often smokes, you can ask them not to smoke in front of you or to stay away when they are smoking. Apply a healthy lifestyle and leave your bad lifestyle for the health of your prospective child.

Effects of Smoking During Pregnancy, Increase the Risk of Autism in Grandchildren in the Future
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