KB Spiral Makes Fat, Myth or Fact? These are the words of the experts


IUD or what is commonly referred to as a spiral KB is a coin-sized T-shaped plastic placed in the womb to prevent pregnancy. This contraception is a choice which is much in demand by Indonesian women. Depending on the type, the effectiveness of spiral KB can last 3 to 10 years to prevent pregnancy from the first day of installation.

However, there are a number of myths that say that pairs of spiral KB can make fat. Is that right?

How do spiral KB work?

There are two types of IUDs - one that is covered with copper, the other releases the hormone progesterone.

A copper-coated IUD prevents pregnancy by blocking sperm from fertilizing the egg. This tool also makes eggs harder to fertilize in the womb.

The workings of spiral KB that are coated with progesterone are the same, but also make the cervical fluid thicker, thin the uterine lining, and in some cases stop ovulation. This prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg.

Is it true that spiral KB can make fat?

The assumption that spiral KB causes weight gain may depart from an increase in the hormone estrogen in the body. High estrogen levels can cause fluid buildup or fat storage in the thighs, hips, and breasts. But this has not been proven true.Reporting from WebMD, so farthere is no strong scientific evidence that can ensure that IUDs, especially copper spirals, can make fat.

Interestingly, sa study published in the journal Contraception found that the use of spiral copper KB can cause weight gain in middle-aged women and above. Even so, what has not been found is the cause of this finding.

Further research is still needed to ascertain whether the correct use of an IUD is one of the causes of increased female weight.

Regardless of using an IUD or not, basically a woman's body weight is indeed vulnerable to rise while still in the fertile period, aka not menopause. Weight gain is also influenced by poor lifestyle - such as a diet high in fat and calories, which is accompanied by a lack of daily physical activity.

Spiral KB side effects that may occur

Although not necessarily making fat, the use of an IUD still has its own risk of side effects. That is:

  • Irregular bleeding during the first few months
  • More menstruation and cramping if you use a copper spiral
  • Menstruation is shorter (or not menstruating at all) if you use a hormonal spiral
  • PMS-like symptoms arise, such as headaches, pimples, rheumatic aches, and breast pain with a hormone IUD
  • Do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases

That needs attention, tnot everyone can use spiral KB. For women who have pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine abnormalities, cervical cancer, breast cancer, the liver, and sexually transmitted disease It is recommended to use other contraceptive methods besides the IUD. Consult further with your doctor.

KB Spiral Makes Fat, Myth or Fact? These are the words of the experts
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