Is it Really the Side Effects of Caffeine Triggering High Blood Pressure to Heart Disease?


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Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in nuts, berries, leaves in certain plants. Because caffeine is very common to all people, a lot of research has been done to find the health effects of caffeine. Caffeine is said to be one of the causes of high blood pressure and heart disease. So, is it true that the side effects of caffeine can trigger hypertension and heart disease? Find out the answer here.

What is a stimulant?

Stimulants are substances that increase activity in the central nervous system, which makes you feel more conscious, focused, and alert. However, this increase in activity can also cause narrowing of the arteries, which may increase blood pressure and change the blood supply to the heart.

In fact, most of the harmful effects of strong stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine have a direct impact on blood vessel and heart activity.

Because caffeine is a stimulant, it is thought there is a connection between coffee and high blood pressure. Caffeine itself is a mild stimulant, and has a short-term effect on the body.

The side effects of caffeine can affect blood pressure, but ...

Evidence has repeatedly shown that caffeine's side effects do not increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, or a heart attack.

One well-known study tested more than 85,000 women over a ten-year period and found that there was no increased risk of this disease, even in women who drank more than six cups of coffee per day.

Although some studies show that the side effects of caffeine have little chance of causing heart disease, the results of existing research are somewhat complicated and only show short-term conditions.

In several studies, an increase in blood pressure after consuming caffeine occurred in a short time and was not investigated further whether it will have an impact in the long term or not.

Two important studies published in 2007 further support this evidence by showing that:

  • The side effects of caffeine cause changes in blood pressure very small and short.
  • Side effects of caffeine do not cause blood vessel disorders that can trigger high blood pressure and heart disease.

Is caffeine good for health?

Coffee and tea may have many health benefits. Although green tea has been known for hundreds of years as a source of vitamins and antioxidants, recent research has shown that darker colored drinks such as black tea and coffee may actually be better for you.

This dark drink is rich in polyphenols, which may protect themselves from heart disease and certain types of cancer. Current research consistently shows a reduced risk of liver cancer in men who drink coffee.

Coffee polyphenols and tea reduce the active level of platelets in the blood, which helps prevent blood clots that later lead to strokes.

Polyphenols can also lower the concentration of the body's C-reactive protein, an important factor in inflammation. Decreasing CRP results in a reduced risk of heart disease, heart attack, and certain types of kidney disease.

Although coffee and tea contain lots of polyphenols, other types of polyphenols can be found in other foods. All polyphenols have shown health benefits, but the most beneficial besides coffee and tea are:

  • Wine
  • Apple
  • Chocolate (dark chocolate or dark chocolate with more than 80 percent of cocoa)

Although scientific evidence shows that drinking tea or coffee is not bad for health, it does not mean you should start drinking coffee or tea for health reasons. A balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also a good source of polyphenols.

Is it Really the Side Effects of Caffeine Triggering High Blood Pressure to Heart Disease?
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