Is Yogurt Really Effective Overcoming Depression?


Medical Video: 6 Ways To CURE DEPRESSION

Have you ever felt sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worthless, feeling guilty, sensitive, nervous? Or maybe you feel lost interest in the usual activities, loss of appetite, disturbed concentration, difficulty remembering details, and difficult decision making? Maybe even worse, do you have the mind to end your life?

This condition illustrates one of the mood disorders that is currently increasing in incidence, namely depression. Depression is a mental disorder that is often encountered and the symptoms caused cause interference in carrying out daily activities. According to the Indonesian Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) issued by the Republic of Indonesia's health ministry in 2013, around 6% of Indonesia's population has symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Why can someone get depressed?

Most mental disorders occur due to the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors. Biological factors that influence the presence of genetic influences, where people who have a family history of depression, will have a higher risk of depression.

Psychological factors are associated with disturbances in the mechanisms of adaptation, personality and trust. Social factors are related to behavior or events around, for example the loss of a loved one, or given abusive treatment. These factors will then cause a neurotransmitter disorder, a substance for nerve cell communication, which will then disrupt the mood regulating center in the brain.

At this time, depression was treated with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. This combination of two therapies responds better and lasts longer. In addition, there are several foods known as mood-boosting or mood-stabilizing like yogurt, omega-3, wheat, beans, chocolate, vegetables, fruits, and eggs.

Why can yogurt improve mood disorders?

The change in good bacteria in the intestine is thought to cause a person's metabolic abnormalities. This change in microbiota is also said to cause disturbances in the brain, one of which is the appearance of mood disorders.

A study showed depressive symptoms appeared after the amount of Lactobacillus (one of the good bacteria in the intestine) was reduced. With the improvement in the number of bacteria, depressive symptoms disappear and the mood returns to normal.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are included in a certain amount to give a beneficial effect. Everyday, probiotics are generally added to food, one example being yogurt.

Probiotics in yogurt reduce inflammation in the intestine. This probiotic also increases the levels of the amino acid tryptophan which is important in the formation of serotonin neurotransmitters. Through this mechanism, depression mood symptoms can be corrected.

Some studies have shown there are improvements in the symptoms of mood disorders in the group given yogurt regularly. In the group that consumed yogurt, the ability to deal with sadness was better and depressed thoughts decreased. Consumption of yogurt regularly once a day can also prevent or limit the symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

Of course yogurt that is eaten is not just any yogurt because not all yogurts have probiotics. The good thing is to drink yogurt which still contains active Lactobacillus. However, psychotherapy and therapy with drugs may also need to be given.

Is Yogurt Really Effective Overcoming Depression?
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