Here's the Brain Process to Form Inner Bonds between Mother and Child


Medical Video: Your Brain Changes All the Time, but Being a Mom Changes It Forever

Every mother must have a personal bond with her child. Some say an inner bond is formed when a baby is born, even from a baby still in the womb. Then actually when is the mother-child inner bond formed? How can this bond be formed? This is the explanation.

How is the process of forming an inner bond between mother and child?

A mother's inner bond with the child begins to form when the baby is born. Indeed, until now there has been no explanation for how an inner bond between mother and child is formed. But clearly, maternal dopamine plays an important role in this matter. So this way, when the mother sees her newborn child, the hormone dopamine or commonly called the happiness hormone is produced by the body.

This is explained in a study conducted to find out what happens in the brain when the mother is motivated to care for her baby. This study measures how the mother's brain works by scanning the brain through special medical devices. This examination is done when the mother looks back at the photos and videos they are caring for the baby.

The results of the study found that the mother's brain produced more dopamine when they saw the video.Therefore, the researchers agreed to consider dopamine as a reinforcement of the inner bond between mother and child. Dopamine can motivate mothers to do more for their children and that makes mothers feel better and certainly happier.

You have at least one year to establish an inner bond with the child

Indeed, ideally, the inner bond will really form shortly after the baby is born. But what if the mother and baby are separated when labor is over, due to some things like premature babies or needing further medical care? This of course makes the mother stressed and afraid of the inner bond with the baby not strong. But this is not possible.

Every newborn baby can begin to adapt to his new environment if he has interacted with a lot of intensity. The researchers said that the inner bond between a mother and her child can still be strong if it is built during the first year of the baby's life. So, you still have time for that.

The inner bond will be strengthened when the mother gives her milk to the baby, the inner bond will be stronger. Even previous research found that the hormone oxytocin produced by mothers when breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mothers and children.

Your baby will naturally form an inner bond with his mother. When a baby cries, produces a sound or murmur, smiles, looks for nipples during feeding, and eye contact, this is the way he builds an inner bond with the mother. And calm, it will occur naturally, in all babies.

Here's the Brain Process to Form Inner Bonds between Mother and Child
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