List of Foods That Can Trigger Farts


Medical Video: Top 20 Foods That Cause Gas

Ever after you finish eating, you then feel like throwing away the wind? Some foods do indeed stimulate the digestive tract to expel wind. This is because this food contains gas, so the body will release it through exhausting the wind (flatus) However, before we discuss any foods that can stimulate exhaustion, we should first understand what is wasting the wind and what are the causes.

Is that a waste of wind?

Remove the alias windflatus, or which in Indonesian is also often called fart, is a gas released by the body as a waste product from the breakdown of food to energy. This gas is made in the stomach and intestines. Dispose of wind as much as 6 to 20 times a day is considered normal.

What causes farting?

Some things that can cause us to get rid of the wind include:

  • Ingested air. If the air is swallowed, the air will pass through the digestive tract and will be released through the anus in the form of wind / gas (flatus) Too much swallowed air can also cause hiccups.
  • Food and Drink. The amount of gas contained in food varies and causes different effects between individuals. Although some individuals eat the same food, but some of them produce waste of wind and some don't.
  • Constipation. Can cause flatulence but generally does not increase gas in the stomach.
  • Medicine or supplement. Some drugs and supplements can cause bloating and gas as a side effect.
  • Medical condition. Like disorders of the large intestine or Crohn's disease.
  • Changes in hormone levels. It usually occurs in women who experience bloating before experiencing a menstrual period because their body holds fluid.

Foods that stimulate exhaustion

Some foods can stimulate exhaustion due to high gas content, such as:

1. High gaseous vegetables

Some vegetables contain high gas which can stimulate us to get rid of the wind. The sugar content in some vegetables can produce gas in the intestines while being digested. These types of vegetables are onions containing fructose, as well as asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage that contain raffinose sugar, a type of complex carbohydrate. Vegetables that contain soluble fiber, such as peas, can also stimulate exhaustion. Other vegetables that contain gas are radishes, mustard greens, young jackfruit, and raw vegetables.

2. Fruits containing sorbitol

Some fruits contain sugars called sorbitol. This sugar can cause excessive gas production, for example found in apples, pears, and peaches. In addition to fruit, sorbitol can also be found in candy and gum as a sweetener, so sweets and gum can also produce gas in the digestive system. In addition to the above fruits, other fruits containing high gas include durian, jackfruit, pineapple and cempedak.

3. Foods containing starch

Starchy foods contain high carbohydrates which can cause the digestive tract to produce gas when the starch is broken down into energy. Foods that contain high starch are bread, cereals and pasta.

4. Whole wheat

Whole wheat, such as oat, can also produce excess gas production in the digestive tract. This is because oats contain starch, raffinose sugar, and also high soluble fiber.

5. Red beans

Red beans also make the digestive tract produce excess gas. This is because red beans also contain high rafinose sugar and soluble fiber which makes the digestive tract produce gas in the intestine.

6. Milk and milk products

Milk and dairy products contain lactose sugar. Lactose is one that is difficult to digest in the digestive tract if the body does not have enough lactase enzymes to digest lactose. Dairy products such as cheese and ice cream also contain lactose which can cause gas production in the body. People with lactose intolerance should avoid these foods to prevent excessive gas production in the digestive tract.

7. Soda

Soda and drinks containing soda can also stimulate wind exhaust. Carbonation in soda and soft drinks is air so that it produces excess gas in the digestive system. Fructose, a sugar that is used as a sweetener in a number of soft drinks, can also produce gas because it is difficult to digest.

Need not be avoided

You may realize that some foods cause gas above which belongs to the group of healthy foods. This does not mean you need to avoid these foods, because the nutritional benefits remain higher than the 'side effects'. It's just that, with this information, you can at least be prepared to face a more 'active' intestine, every time you eat high-volume foods in sufficient quantities.


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List of Foods That Can Trigger Farts
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