Lumbago Left? 5 These Health Problems Can Be the Cause


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Lumbago is often not considered a serious health problem. In fact, this condition can be a signal of a serious health problem that you are suffering from. The left lumbago for example, has various causes that cannot be underestimated. The following is a review of the causes of left lumbago.

Causes of left lumbago

overcome back pain

The following are the various causes of left lumbago that you need to know, namely:

1. Kidney stones

Left hand lumbago can be caused by kidney stones. The kidneys are organs that are located on the left and right of the body at the waist. So the pain that appears on the left side of the waist can be a sign of kidney problems.

Usually this condition is caused by various other symptoms such as pain when urinating, the presence of blood in the urine, and nausea and vomiting.

2. Muscles tighten

When the muscles in your lower back tighten due to overuse, the waist will feel sore. Tightened waist muscles can cause muscle fibers to partially tear.

As a result, inflammation appears and the pain becomes unbearable. Usually, this condition occurs in the lumbar muscle. If this is the case, low back pain can spread to the buttocks and last for two weeks.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS or irritated bowel syndrome can cause left saddle pain. IBS is a condition when the large intestine experiences irregular contractions. Usually this condition makes the stomach feel sore, bloating, headache, to the left back pain.

4. Kidney infection

Left kidney infection can cause lumbago on the same side. Usually the pain that is felt to interfere with your activities. This infection generally starts in the urinary tract and bladder until it finally spreads to the kidneys and causes unbearable inflammation and pain.

Not only lumbago, you also usually feel fever, nausea and vomiting, and pain when urinating. This condition is usually felt next to the spine over your hip and will get worse when moving or depressed.

5. Problems with the reproductive system

Fibroids and endometriosis are reproductive problems that can cause pain in the lower back. Pain due to endometriosis is usually quite sharp and piercing.

This condition is caused by excess uterine tissue that grows outside the uterus. While fibroids are benign tissue growth in the uterus. Besides back pain, fibroids are also characterized by abnormal menstrual periods, frequent urination, and pain during sex.

Lumbago Left? 5 These Health Problems Can Be the Cause
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