Morning, Afternoon, and Afternoon Sunlight: Which is the Healthiest?



Do you like sunbathing on the beach? Or do you like to hang your baby in the sun in the morning? You definitely do this to get the benefits of vitamin D which is good for bones. The Australian Cancer Council in 2011 issued a recommendation not to sunbathe or be exposed to the sun for too long in the early morning or too late afternoon, why? Check out the reviews.

Sunlight is not always the same, depending on the time

You already know that the sun can provide benefits in the form of vitamin D. In addition, direct sunlight can help reduce the risk of cancer, including melanoma or skin cancer. However, you should remember, do not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation excessively, because this can cause the body's cells to become damaged.

There are three types of UV (ultraviolet) radiation that are emitted by the sun, but only UVA and UVB that affect the human body. Although it helps in forming the synthesis of vitamin D for the body, excessive exposure to UV radiation causes burns and even skin cancer.

In order to avoid the negative risks of the sun's UV rays, you must pay attention to the type and pigmentation of the skin, and choose the right time. For those of you who are whiter skinned it is recommended not to linger in the sun to avoid burning skin. Conversely, if your skin is dark, you can be a little longer in the sun.

Spending too much time in the sun can cause dehydration and even heat stroke, which is the condition of the body that is too hot to cause severe dehydration which causes fainting.

When is the right time to get sunlight?

What time do you hang your little one? Is it 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning? There are several debates regarding the right time to get sunlight that is beneficial to the body.

Sunlight recommended by experts is from 10am to 3pm. This time is considered the right time to get the benefits of the sun and reduce the risk of danger of ultraviolet light exposure. According to William B. Grant, a researcher from the Health Research Center in California, UVA rays have an important role in increasing the risk of melanoma compared to UVB.

When the sun is below the horizon or the lower sky that borders the surface of the earth or the sea, like in the early morning or late evening the sun emitted only UVA, and very little UVB light. This is the reason why sunbathing or exposure to the sun in the early morning or late evening is not recommended. You can get the benefits of sunlight from 10 am to 3 pm

What you should pay attention to when exposed to sunlight

You need to pay attention to the duration under sun exposure. To get maximum benefits for the body, it is recommended to spend around 20 to 30 minutes in the morning and evening.

Then what about the afternoon sun? No need to worry if you can't avoid the hot afternoon sun. You can still get the benefits as long as it's not too long exposure to the sun. In a span of five to ten minutes, you can still benefit from the afternoon sun.

In addition to choosing time, the clothes you wear are also important factors in getting the maximum benefits of the sun for the body. Thick clothing not only makes you feel hot in the hot sun, but also prevents the sun from entering the skin. Choosing clothes with thin and bright cotton can help the skin absorb sunlight and avoid you from heat stroke.

Morning, Afternoon, and Afternoon Sunlight: Which is the Healthiest?
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