Not Just Chest Pain, Too Much Sweating Can Be A Symptom Of Heart Disorders


Medical Video: What Causes Chest Pain When It's Not Your Heart

Sweating after activity or when hot weather is indeed healthy. Because, this is a response that occurs to regulate the temperature in the body by releasing heat. However, it will be a bad sign if you often experience excessive sweating when not doing heavy activity. Especially if accompanied by discomfort in the chest, arms, neck and jaw. This is a sign that you are experiencing a heart problem.

How can sweat be a sign of a heart problem? Does that mean I will have a heart attack? Check out the full review below.

Not all excessive sweating is a sign of heart problems

In general, symptoms of heart problems are discomfort in the chest, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and fatigue.

Excessive sweating often occurs in people with heart problems, but this does not necessarily mean that any excessive sweating leads directly to the presence of a heart disorder.

Because, there is also a condition called hyperhidrosis, which is a condition when the body produces a lot of sweat in the absence of a medical disease or primary hyperhidrosis. This condition occurs when the nerves that trigger the sweat glands work too actively and sweat even if not needed. Usually, this is experienced due to hereditary factors.

Meanwhile, excessive sweating that can be associated with a medical condition is called secondary hyperhidrosis. This type of hyperhidrosis can be caused by several types of diseases, one of which is heart disease accompanied by discomfort in the chest, arms, neck and jaw.

So, it can be concluded that not all conditions of excessive sweating directly lead to heart problems. To determine whether you have a heart problem, the best way to be most accurate is to see an internal medicine specialist or cardiologist. There is no need to wait until you experience other symptoms such as chest pain (angina).

overcoming excessive sweating

Why can excessive sweating be a sign of heart problems?

Excessive sweating during the day and night becomes one of the signals of a heart problem. Especially if you are not active in activities, this is the most important sign that your heart is having a problem.

In the event of a heart problem, your heart will work extra to pump blood through blocked heart blood vessels. As a result, your body will sweat more to maintain body temperature during this process.

Sweating can also be a symptom of endocarditis, a condition in which bacteria or germs enter the damaged part of the heart and cause infection. If not treated immediately, this can lead to complications of heart failure and can cause death. This condition also applies to women. Unfortunately, most women misinterpret these symptoms as an effect of menopause.

In a heart attack, sweating is a sign of needing emergency help

According to Catherine Ryan, a coordinator of the medical surgical nursing project at the University of Illinois in Chicago, heart disease patients often delay treatment if they only feel the symptoms of sweating. The reason is because there has been no chest pain or these symptoms are considered too mild and have no major impact.

In fact, sufferers also need to be aware that the symptoms of a heart attack not only when feeling pain in the chest, but also need to be aware of other accompanying symptoms. Precisely this condition is a sign of the need for emergency help to prevent the more severe disturbances in the heart.

Not Just Chest Pain, Too Much Sweating Can Be A Symptom Of Heart Disorders
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