People who wake up more morning tend to eat healthy food


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A study published by The Obesity Society found that people who wake up early tend to eat healthy food. In addition, on average for those who wake up early, tend to behave more thoroughly and more timely on a daily basis

Research: people who wake up early choose to eat healthy food

Researchers studied data from 2,000 randomly selected people, the results of which were found that those who woke up early in the morning not only ate breakfast with good nutrition, but also ate healthy food from morning to evening.

Then, what about waking up and sleeping irregularly? Not many participants wake up late who eat healthy food like those who wake up early. In addition, people who wake up late are also detected a lot of protein deficiency and excess sugar levels in the body, their food portions are also 2 times more common.

What causes people who wake up late tend to eat unhealthy?

If it is related to when and what a person eats based on the time of their activity, the researcher gives a new view of why people who wake up late prefer to eat unhealthy foods. The reason is, there is a difference from chronotype (active body hours) both participant categories, and the energy and nutrients they feed.

First, the most obvious difference in intake is by waking up people. They are more happy to get foods low in protein but high in sucrose (sugar). While at night they will consume more sugar, fat, and saturated fatty acids.

Moreover on weekends, the difference between people getting up early and waking up during the day is even more pronounced. People who wake up late are more likely to choose against their common biological time. One of the symptoms is having irregular eating times, irregular sleep patterns, and physically less active overall.

A person's sleep patterns can also affect the expenditure of certain hormones, such as leptin and ghrelin, which can make a person easily hungry. Therefore, if you are determined to live healthy or maintain weight, start by regulating a good and regular sleep pattern.

Tips for getting up early

1. Sleep early

As you know, if you want to wake up at the beginning of the day you must sleep early. Getting enough sleep for around 7-9 hours a day at the beginning of the night can make the body wake up earlier than usual. Even sleeping with enough hours can improve body health, because during sleep the body regenerates damaged cells. So that your body is sure to feel healthier and fitter later on

2. Avoid playing gadget before sleeping

For some people, it really can't help playing gadget and watching television to spend the night. Well, this habit that makes you become a person becomes often late or over waking up late. It is recommended to leave all electronic devices 1 hour before your bedtime. Try to try and apply this maintenance every day. Undoubtedly sleeping at night you can get quality and wake up early becomes easier.

3. Jump to sleep when you feel tired

Many still ignore body fatigue at night. Though fatigue is a signal from the brain that the body needs time to recharge energy, namely by sleeping resting. Try to turn off the lights immediately, gadgetand television when the body feels tired. Because physical fatigue that continues to be forced will cause health conditions to decrease slowly.

People who wake up more morning tend to eat healthy food
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