Getting to know a vasectomy, male birth control that is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy


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Vasectomy is the surgical process of cutting the vas deferens (a small tube-shaped duct inside the scrotum that carries sperm from the testicles to the penis). This male birth control method is also known as sterilization. Vasectomy aims to prevent conception and pregnancy because of the closed access of sperm to semen. Vasectomy is a permanent contraceptive method, but it will not affect a man's ability to ejaculate and orgasm.

How effective is a vasectomy in preventing pregnancy?

Vasectomy is one of the most effective types of contraception with a success rate of 99 percent. That is, only less than 1 in 100 pregnant women after one year men undergo a vasectomy procedure.

After 8-16 weeks of a vasectomy, men are recommended to take further tests to make sure there are no sperm left on the head of the penis. In addition, in some cases, the vas deferens can be unexpectedly reconnected. However, this rarely happens.

Types of vasectomy

There are two types of vasectomy, namely a conventional vasectomy and a vasectomy without a scalpel.

In conventional vasectomy, the surgeon will make an incision on both sides of the scrotum, the upper part of the scrotum and the lower part of the penis. Then the vas deferens in it will be removed, tied, or even packed. The scars will then be sewn.

While in a vasectomy without a scalpel, the surgeon will use a small clamp to hold the channel to be cut, then a small hole will be made on the skin of the scrotum and cut off the channel before binding. This vasectomy procedure does not require sutures and is the most popular procedure because of the lack of risk and complications caused.

Recovery time after a vasectomy

Swelling, discomfort, and bleeding may be experienced after a vasectomy procedure. Give cold compresses to reduce swelling and pain. Also avoid ejaculating for up to 7 days after surgery.

Men who have just had a vasectomy are advised to use tight panties to support the scrotum properly and avoid heavy work in the first week or until the doctor allows it.

The benefits of doing a vasectomy

Very effective

As explained earlier, vasectomy is a method of contraception with high success rates.


Side effects and disorders arising from vasectomy procedures are very minimal. Vasectomy will not affect testosterone levels, erections, climax, libido, or other things related to sex life. In addition, after surgery, vasectomy patients can immediately go home.

Although effective, a vasectomy is a procedure that can pose a risk

Basically, this sterilization procedure is safe. However, like other medical procedures, a vasectomy can pose certain risks. Risks or complications that may occur after a vasectomy are:

  • Infection
  • Testicular pain
  • Sperm granuloma, which is when sperm come out of the vas deferens and accumulate to form lumps
  • Hematoma, which is the formation of blood clots in the scrotum
  • Testicles feel full

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Getting to know a vasectomy, male birth control that is 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy
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