Revealing the Benefits of Power Nap and the Difference with a Regular Nap


Medical Video: Dr. Oz on Why You Should Take a Power Nap

Sleepiness often appears in critical hours, such as at eight hours after waking up in the morning. The number of activities that need to be lived might force you to ignore or repel the drowsiness by drinking coffee. Unfortunately, ignored drowsiness can actually make you not focus on doing tasks. Therefore, you need to find a way to get rid of drowsiness with a quality nap, also called a termpower nap.

Various naps

Napping consists of various types based on the length of his sleep, such as:

  • Nano nap is a nap for 2 to 5 minutes. This can be done for those of you who have very limited sleep time because of the many activities that need to be carried out during the day.
  • Mini nap is napping for 5 to 20 minutes.
  • Power nap is napping for 20 to 30 minutes. Power nap is an ideal long time nap that can provide optimal nap benefits.
  • Lazy man's nap is napping for fifty to ninety minutes. This can be done if you have plenty of free time to sleep. Unfortunately, napping for more than 30 minutes usually makes you irritable and dazed because you force yourself to wake up from sleep.

Difference power nap and sleep well normally

Power nap is a short nap, about 20-30 minutes. This nap can make you come back fit and excited in carrying out activities.

Power nap is something you can do to get rid of drowsiness in the middle of the activity you are doing. Studies have shown that power nap can improve your memory, cognitive abilities, creativity and energy level.

Power nap usually occurs when the sleep process only enters the first two stages, which usually lasts for 20 to 30 minutes. Meanwhile, sleeping at night is a complete sleep process because it has entered the entire sleep cycle. Usually, adults need 90 to 120 minutes to complete the sleep cycle in full.

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Benefits power nap

Power nap and the good sleep you usually do together can provide benefits to your body, such as increasing brain power and stamina. Sleeping well can provide long-lasting benefits, compared to this nap. The reason is that deep sleep occurs because it goes through the entire sleep process. So, deep sleep can help the body to rejuvenate and repair body cells. As a result, deep sleep can improve memory, energy, muscle and tissue repair, and hormone release.

Even so, you need to take a nap to refresh your mind, relax your body, and increase energy. Because during naps, your brain slows down, your body temperature drops, so your muscles become more relaxed.

Power nap can relieve drowsiness, improve performance and productivity, and refresh the mind. Napping is also useful if you want to drive during the day and you are sleepy. You need to take a nap to avoid the risk of an accident while driving a motor vehicle.

Quality and refreshing nap tips

You need to pay attention to the free time you have to determine the length of your nap. However, if you want to get the optimal benefits from a nap, you are not recommended to sleep longer than 30 minutes.

In order to get more quality sleep, you should install an alarm, sleep in a place that makes you comfortable, and turn off your cellphone notifications during your nap. This will also help prevent feeling irritated, dizzy, orbetewhen I wake up in the afternoon.

Revealing the Benefits of Power Nap and the Difference with a Regular Nap
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