Said Research, Fat People Are More Vulnerable to Asthma


Medical Video: Research: Does asthma contribute to childhood obesity epidemic?

Asthma attacks can happen to anyone and regardless of age. However, there are indeed some things that make this condition tend to appear in certain people, one of them being obese.

He said, fat people are more likely to develop asthma than those who have the ideal body weight. Why is that possible?

The risk of asthma attacks in obese people

From a variety of research that has been done, it is known that people who are obese or obese are at risk of experiencing asthma attacks up to 2 to 3 times higher than those who are not obese.

In fact, research published in Experimental Biology and Medicine states that those who are obese and asthma at the same time tend to be treated medically, cannot rely on home care alone.

Because, people with excess weight are also very likely to experience other complications, such as shortness of breath during sleep to high blood pressure. This condition is likely to make the asthma attack worse.

Not to mention the reaction of drugs used by obese people may not be as powerful as when the drug is taken by an ideal body. This, presumably because the pile of fat can affect the work of the asthma drug.

Why are obese people more likely to have asthma?

Obese people experience decreased lung function and capacity, due to excessive fat deposits in the stomach. Yes, these fats can suppress the lungs, so the organ is not functioning properly.

Not only that, the cause of an asthma attack appears in obese people is the level of leptin is quite high in the body. Leptin is actually a hormone that regulates satiety. So, when food enters and fills the stomach, this hormone will signal satiety to the brain, so you will stop eating.

Unfortunately, in overweight people, the init hormone is forced to be over-produced, because food constantly enters the body. Well, when the amount is excessive, the brain does not even get a signal of satiety until finally you will continue to eat.

Well, excess production of the hormone leptin also affects asthma attacks. This high hormone will cause the body to experience inflammation in various tissues, including the lungs. Until finally, there is a decrease in air capacity in the lungs and an asthma attack.

Is the treatment of asthma in obese people different?

Research published in Asthma Research and Practice states that obese people may need different treatments and medications when suffering from asthma. This is related to the effectiveness of the medicines given. In the study, drugs that usually deal with asthma attacks were not effective enough for those who had excessive body weight.

The best therapy for those who have asthma with obesity is to use weight loss to reach a normal body mass index. Here are some ways you can try to lose your weight:

  • Calculate ideal body weight. That way, you know how many pounds you have to lose.
  • Expand eating fiber. For example, breakfast using wheat bread, while lunch and dinner by increasing vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat slowly, do not rush because chewing and eating too fast can cause you to eat excessively without your knowing it.
  • Be diligent about exercising and reduce foods that are processed by frying.
Said Research, Fat People Are More Vulnerable to Asthma
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