Bleeding After Uterus Lifting Surgery, Is It Naturally Not?


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Lift uterine surgery, which is medically called a hysterectomy, is a surgical procedure that is performed by taking the uterus from the body for a specific purpose. There are several health conditions that do require that you do this uterine lift procedure. Not much different from other female reproductive procedures, you are also at risk of bleeding after uterine lift surgery.

Is it normal to experience bleeding after a hysterectomy?

After uterine lift surgery is complete, usually the doctor will recommend several taboos while advising you to take complete rest for some time. The goal is to speed up the recovery process before later you return to doing daily activities.

Because, not a few women who wonder about the emergence of bleeding after uterine lift surgery. Either because it is too strict about his health condition, or indeed is part of the side effects of hysterectomy. Actually, this condition is spelled out normal and not harmful You.

Because basically, hysterectomy is classified as a major operation by taking a lot of tissue from the body. That is why bleeding sometimes appears later.

With a note, this bleeding is only shaped like light spots or pinkish vaginal discharge. Bleeding generally lasts for 6-8 weeks from the time the uterine lift surgery is completed.

However, bleeding can be considered not normal if the amount of blood coming out is classified as large to resemble menstrual blood. In fact, bleeding may not stop after eight weeks and the number increases every day.

abstinence after uterine lift surgery

Other side effects after uterine lift surgery

It's not just bleeding that can be experienced after uterine lift surgery. You may also complain of discomfort in the stomach. This is fairly reasonable because your bowel function and bladder changes slightly. Some women also report difficult constipation.

In addition, removal of the uterus can have side effects in the form of severe menopausal symptoms. Hot flashes, easy sweating, often feeling anxious, until insomnia is the most common sign of menopause that appears.

Emotional changes also contribute to the effects of post-uterine lift surgery. You might be more easily overwhelmed by a sense of loss and deep sadness. Especially because it's overshadowed by the mind can't have more offspring. In certain cases, a hysterectomy can lead to depression.

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What should be done to overcome this side effect?

If the impact arising after a hysterectomy surgery is considered quite disturbing, you should immediately consult your complaint further with the doctor. Especially if you continue to experience a lot of bleeding. Later the doctor will consider your current age, medical history, and health conditions to determine what treatment is most appropriate and appropriate to your needs.

For constipation conditions that you experience, usually you will be treated with consumption of laxatives to facilitate the process of defecation. It is better to include by drinking lots of fluids and increasing eating fruits and vegetables to speed up the healing process.

You can also use hormone replacement therapy to relieve some symptoms. Be it in the form of implants, injections, or tablets. The positive effects of this therapy generally only begin to appear about a week later.

Bleeding After Uterus Lifting Surgery, Is It Naturally Not?
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