Studying the Efficacy of Green Tea for Rheumatism, Is It Really Effective?


Medical Video: Green Tea Combats Arthritis (Study)

Just like coffee, tea is also a lot of fans. This drink is known for its health benefits, so it is often used as a home remedy. One of the best known teas is green tea. This type of tea is believed to be very good for rheumatic sufferers. Actually what are the benefits of green tea for rheumatoid sufferers? So as not to be curious, refer to the following review.

Healthy living with rheumatic diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis or rhematoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes severe inflammation of the joints and also affects other important organs, such as the heart. This disease is usually a recurrence, pain in the joints and other arthritic symptoms can come and go at any time.

Until now there is no medicine that can really cure this disease. However, some drugs can help alleviate and prevent the severity of the disease.

People with this condition must have a healthy lifestyle and do home remedies so that the symptoms do not reappear. One of the home remedies for rheumatism is routine drinking green tea.

Reporting from the Everyday Health page, Mahsa Tehrani, MD, an expert in rheumatism in Vienna said that tea has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties. So in theory, tea can help reduce inflammation. This shows the efficacy of green tea for rheumatic patients.

Said research about the efficacy of green tea for people with rheumatism

the benefits of drinking green tea

Green tea has been used in the world of medicine for centuries. A study conducted by the University of Michigan found that one ingredient in green tea leaves has good benefits for rheumatic patients.

Unfermented tea leaves contain high polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidant compounds that can fight free radicals that damage healthy cells in the body.

Among other antioxidant compounds, polyphenols are known as the most powerful antioxidants. One type of polyphenol present in green tea leaves is epigallocatechin 3-gallate (ECGC).

From the study, scientists found evidence that ECGC could potentially limit the production of substances that cause inflammation. In addition, other studies also show that ECGC helps maintain healthy bones, especially cartilage.

Indirectly, green tea can help reduce the risk of rheumatic patients affected by heart disease, stroke, and various types of cancer. Aside from being anti-inflammatory, drinking green tea can also increase concentration and mood.

Some things that must be considered by rheumatic patients before drinking green tea

the benefits of drinking tea

Before deciding to drink green tea regularly, you should consult your doctor first. Your doctor will help you explain the benefits as well as possible risks so that you become more careful about drinking green tea.

Then, ask also whether the content of green tea interacts with the drug you are taking or not. If you use drugs other than rheumatism, such as certain blood thinning drugs, antibiotics or beta-blockers, most likely the doctor will forbid you to drink this tea.

Green tea can interfere with the effectiveness of these drugs. Conversely, if you don't have a problem with green tea, you can enjoy it as a routine.

Be sure to choose natural, not instant green tea. The trick, boil green tea leaves with water without adding sugar. But you can use a little honey or lemon juice so that the tea tastes better.

Studying the Efficacy of Green Tea for Rheumatism, Is It Really Effective?
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