Suddenly Itchy Feet When Sports, What, Yes, Why?


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Itching can appear suddenly without you knowing the cause, even during exercise. This condition can attack various parts of the body including the legs. In some cases, itching during exercise is not trivial, because it can be a sign of certain health problems. So, what can make itching in the legs appear when exercising?

Causes of itching in the legs during exercise

Itching or what is known as pruritus is a sensation that arises from skin cells or nerve cells that experience irritation. This sensation occurs when nerve endings are called pruriceptors aroused by infection, injury, chemicals, temperature, or the body's immune response.

When stimulated, the nerve sends a message to the brain and spinal cord that makes you reflex to scratch it.

Unfortunately, scratching only temporarily relieves itching. In order to get the right treatment, you need to know the exact cause. The following are various causes of itchy feet when exercising:

1. Cholinergic urticaria

Cholinergic urticaria is a condition when an increase in body temperature triggers swelling of the skin to eventually cause itching. This condition can occur during or after exercise.

The cause of urticaria is still not known with certainty, but can occur due to food allergies or exercise that was carried out at that time. Usually this condition makes the skin emit red bumps that appear and feel very itchy.

Although the itching is very disturbing but urticaria is not life-threatening. Generally, the symptoms will disappear 10 minutes after the exercise is complete.

2. Non-current circulation

In some cases, itching in the legs during exercise can be caused by the body's own reaction. It usually occurs in people who rarely exercise before.

When exercising, the legs need a lot of blood supply. When blood circulation to this area increases, the capillaries in the legs will widen.

At the same time, the nerves around the blood capillaries will send an itchy signal to the brain. Usually, these symptoms will stop after a few days of exercise provided you get used to walking casually regularly.

3. Cold allergy

Take note, does itching in the legs when exercise only appears when you exercise when the temperature is cold like morning or night? If so, you may experience cold allergies or cold urticaria.

The symptoms are similar to cholinergic urticaria such as redness accompanied by itching. However, this condition can also be severe and quite serious such as shivering, swelling in some parts of the body, until fainting.

4. Anaphylaxis

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In quite rare cases, itching in the legs can be a sign of anaphylactic triggered by exercise or in foreign terms called exercise-induced anaphylaxis.

In addition to hives, you can also experience various problems such as difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, swelling in the face, vomiting, and fainting. If you continue to practice, this condition can be life threatening because the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain will be hampered to eventually cause death.

In some people, this condition can be triggered by quite heavy training activities. While in others it is caused by heavy training and certain foods.

To find out more clearly which conditions you experience, you should consult a doctor if you often feel itching in the legs during exercise. The doctor will provide appropriate treatment according to conditions.

Suddenly Itchy Feet When Sports, What, Yes, Why?
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