The 5 Most Common Causes of Death Occur in Men Around the World


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According to data from the collection of the Central Statistics Agency from 2010 to 2015, life expectancy in Indonesia reaches an average age of 70 years. But no one can predict death, whether it's time or the cause. The cause of death of every person is different, both men and women. Are you curious, what are the most common causes of male death in the world? Here's the review.

The most common cause of male death worldwide

1. Heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of male death in almost all parts of the world. Heart disease itself is a general term used for a group of conditions associated with plaque buildup in the heart artery wall. This increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. Other heart problems include angina, arrhythmia, and heart failure.

Based on WHO data, heart disease (cardiovascular disease) claimed the lives of 17.7 million people every year. This figure represents 31% of all mortality rates globally. Of the total deaths, an estimated 7.4 million were caused by coronary heart disease and 6.7 million caused by stroke. Death from heart disease can also occur as a complication of hypertension. Deaths caused by cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease and stroke are expected to continue to rise to 23.3 million deaths in 2030.

Based on data from the 2013 Riskesdas belonging to the Ministry of Health, total cases of heart disease in general are more common and more deadly in women. However, men who are at higher risk of experiencing this disease are based on risk factors. Men smoke more often and consume sweet foods more often in a day.

Heart disease can be prevented by protecting heart health and being alert to the symptoms of a heart attack. Controlling blood pressure and cholesterol is always within normal limits through a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease.

2. Cancer

Cancer is the leading cause of death globally. Calculated, cancer had swallowed 8.8 million lives until 2015. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related male deaths. The CDC data states that 81 out of every 100,000 men can get lung cancer. Lung cancer itself has killed approximately 88 thousand men in the United States in 2007.

Lung cancer is then followed by colon cancer, prostate cancer, and melanoma skin cancer as the cause of cancer-related male deaths worldwide.

What happened in Indonesia was actually not much different. According to the Health Ministry's Riskesdas data in 2013, lung cancer was ranked first as the cancer that caused the death of Indonesian men. Of the total 34.5% of new cases, accounting for 30% of them resulted in death. Prostate cancer then follows in second place. One in 3 men who have prostate cancer die from it. Other cancers that are the cause of death for Indonesian men include liver cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer (throat cancer).

Cancer can be prevented by changing risk factors for behavior and poor diet. Start eating healthy foods, exercise more regularly, and avoid smoking and / or alcoholic beverages. Early detection of cancer symptoms also plays a major role in the treatment and better cure opportunities.

3. Accident

According to Jake Nelson, director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, reported by CBS News, young men and young adult men are the two groups most at high risk of experiencing a traffic accident due to driving while drowsy.

National injury rates are 8.2 percent, with the highest prevalence found in South Sulawesi (12.8%) and the lowest in Jambi (4.5%). Comparison of the results of the 2007 Riskesdas with 2013 Riskesdas showed a tendency to increase the number of injury cases from 7.5 percent to 8.2 percent. The cause of the most injuries in men is motorcycle accidents (40.6%). Most injuries due to motorized accidents occur at the age of 15-24 years, men graduate from high school with employee status.

Accidents are indeed accidental, but you can reduce the risk of death and accidental injury. One of them is by ensuring personal safety when driving. Use a seat belt when driving by car, and use full attributes (helmet and jacket) when driving with a motorbike. Be aware of the dangers of driving while intoxicated, when sleepy or exhausted, and the danger of driving a vehicle while playing cellphones.

4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Chronic lower respiratory tract disease is a collection of lung diseases that cause obstruction of air flow and respiratory related problems, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. The number of cases of COPD nationally is estimated to be more common in men than women.

About 80 percent of male deaths from COPD can be associated with smoking habits. The risk of chronic lung disease can be suppressed by quitting smoking, avoiding cigarette smoke, air pollution, chemical fumes and dust.

5. Suicide

Suicide is one serious case that is often forgotten because it is considered taboo. In fact, suicide rates in Indonesia cannot be considered trivial. During 2005 alone there were 30,000 suicides recorded in Indonesia, and this is only officially reported. There were even more incidents of suicide that were covered up, either because of the shame of his family, or for maintaining the honor of the deceased.

According to data compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO), men are at far higher risk of trying to commit suicide and die of it than women. In 2015 the WHO also noted that out of every 100,000 population in the world, 17 men died of suicide, while women were "only" 10.

The cause of men prone to suicide is not simple. Even so, most of it comes from untreated major depression.

If you, relatives, or family members show signs of depression or other symptoms of mental illness; or show a tendency to try to commit suicide, immediately call the police emergency hotline110 or the Suicide Prevention hotline(021) 725-6526/(021) 725-7826/(021) 722-1810. Or, contact the NGO Don't Kill Yourself on (021) 9696 9293.

The 5 Most Common Causes of Death Occur in Men Around the World
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