The Benefits of Versatile Aloe Vera


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There are many reasons why you should plant aloe vera at home. Not only to beautify the yard, you can also use the leaves for various things. Yes, aloe vera is a versatile plant that has been known for its efficacy since centuries ago. To get to know more about the benefits of aloe vera for health, see the explanation below.

Aloe vera benefits for health

1. Caring for the skin

If applied, the gum (gel) of aloe vera can maintain moisture and elasticity of the skin naturally. This is because the water content of aloe vera is very high. Aloe vera is a type of cactus plant that can survive in a very dry environment, thanks to its ability to absorb water optimally.

2. Relieves irritation and itching on the skin

Not only does it keep the skin moist, you can also relieve various skin problems with aloe vera. A number of studies have proven the efficacy of aloe vera in dealing with zits, rashes, skin irritations, itching due to insect bites and allergic reactions, scars, and symptoms of psoriasis.

3. Treat burns

Aloe vera sap is often used as a natural ointment to treat burns. The sap is indeed able to cool and repair tissue damage in burn scars. In addition, aloe vera can also help overcome skin problems related to sunburn. The sap of this plant is effective in stopping the absorption of ultraviolet (UV) radiation into the skin.

4. Soften and nourish hair

If your hair is easily wrinkled and fall out, apply aloe vera gum to the scalp. The enzyme content in aloe vera can lift dead skin cells that accumulate on the scalp and nourish your hair roots. That way, hair grows stronger, smoother and easier to manage.

5. Overcoming digestive problems

You can also get the benefits of aloe by consuming it. If consumed, aloe vera is able to overcome various digestive problems. Starting from constipation, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), to gastric acid (GERD). Because, aloe contains enzymes and good bacteria that support intestinal and stomach function. You can mix aloe in water or warm tea to drink directly.

6. Reduces blood sugar levels

One of the surprising benefits of aloe vera is to reduce blood sugar. In a number of clinical studies and experiments, consuming 2 tablespoons of aloe vera meat per day can reduce blood sugar levels for people with diabetes (type 2 diabetes). However, be careful if you are also taking blood sugar-lowering drugs. It's best if you want to try this method, consult your doctor first.

7. Fight inflammation

Don't underestimate the benefits of aloe vera to fight inflammation which is at the root of various types of diseases. The content of antioxidants and fatty acids in aloe vera can relieve symptoms of intestinal inflammation, frostbite, sore throat, arthritis, and others.

8. Catch free radicals

Free radicals are the cause of cell damage in the body that comes from pollution, chemicals from food or cigarettes, and your skin care products. Cell damage can cause premature aging and cancer growth. To stop free radicals, vitamin A and E in aloe vera will capture these harmful molecules before they are absorbed and damage the body's cells.

The Benefits of Versatile Aloe Vera
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