Water Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, and How to Overcome It


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Water is one of life's necessities that cannot be replaced. Try to imagine your life just one day without water. Impossible, right? Then maybe it never occurred to you that there were people out there who were avoiding water. This is because these people suffer from water allergies.

Water allergy is a very rare condition that can happen to anyone, especially women. Until now, there are around 30 to 40 people in the world who suffer from this condition.

This allergy will recur if the skin of the sufferer is sweating, getting wet, coming into contact with water when bathing, or when the person is crying. However, there are also allergies that will recur when drinking sufficient amounts of water. In reported cases, the sufferer will only experience various symptoms of water allergy after passing puberty. Previously, they did not show any reaction to water. Curious about what kind of life an allergic person must live? Check out the following complete information.

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How can someone be allergic to water?

In the medical world, water allergies are known as aquagenic urticaria. The experts and skin specialists themselves are still trying to learn about this condition further. The reason, until now has not been found what causes water allergies. Because cases of allergies to water are very rare throughout the world, doctors and scientists believe that this condition is not inherited through genes in the family.

Allergy itself is divided into many types. Water allergy falls into the category of contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis is a reaction to the skin such as rash, itching, and pain. This reaction occurs when there is contact or touch between the body and certain substances. Substances that cause this reaction are called allergens.

Water will cause a reaction when coming into contact with different particles or substances on the skin of the sufferer. In an allergic person, water will cause a reaction when in contact with sebum or natural oil produced by the body. While in other people substances that cause a reaction with water are dead skin cells.

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The immune system will react when water meets oil or dead skin cells. This is caused by the toxins produced by these allergens. Unfortunately, there is no medical explanation why the reaction between water and natural particles or substances can produce poisons.

Symptoms of a water allergy

If you have a water allergy, the most obvious symptom is the appearance of a rash or bump on the skin that gets water. The skin will also feel hot, sore, and itchy. If it is severe, the skin will look red like blisters. These symptoms usually last for half an hour to an hour after you dry yourself.

In most cases, water allergy will only appear if you are exposed to water for a long time and the water is sufficient. If only a few minutes and not too much water, the skin will not react.

Water allergy can also appear when you drink. Although it is very rare, there are people who will feel their throat sore, itchy, and burning if they drink lots of water. However, when drinking soft drinks, tea, or fruit juice, the allergies will not be that bad or not occur at all.

What can be done by people with water allergies

Experts are still developing various drugs and treatments to fully cure this condition. Meanwhile, people with water allergies are usually given high-dose allergy medicines that must be taken every day. The antihistamine drug serves to control and relieve the symptoms that appear.

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People who are allergic to water will usually only shower several times a week. When taking a shower you must use cold water and not more than 5 minutes. To wash your face and wash your hands, usually they only use wet wipes or hand sanitizer. People who are allergic to water are also not advised to lengthen hair. The reason is, if the hair is moist, sweaty, or wet, the scalp will immediately itch and get sore.

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Because sweat can also cause allergic reactions, limit the time to exercise and physical activity so as not to sweat too much. Some sports choices that are quite safe are tai chi and yoga. After exercising, you should also dry yourself immediately and change clothes.

Complications that may occur are anxiety attacks or depression. When recurring in a public place, water allergies can also make the sufferer not confident. It is best to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist if you experience these complications.

Water Allergy: Symptoms, Causes, and How to Overcome It
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