What are the benefits of Citicoline drugs for stroke?


Medical Video: What are the benefits of the drug Citicoline for Stroke?

Hearing the term stroke may be familiar to your ears. Stroke is a syndrome caused by circulatory disorders of the brain that occur acutely and are characterized by nerve disorders. Stroke is the number one cause of disability and the number three cause of death in the world.

Various treatments are carried out to prevent the symptoms from becoming increasingly severe. One drug that is often used in stroke patients is citicoline.

Get to know the drug Citicoline

Citicoline (cytidine-5′-diphosphocholine or CDP-choline) is a compound discovered by Kennedy in 1956. The compound contains 2 important molecules, namely cytidine and choline, which is a component of one of the cell membrane constituents.

The drug citicoline has been widely studied and has benefits for brain health. This drug serves to prevent brain damage (neuroprotection) and helps the formation of cell membranes in the brain (neurorepair) Because of the function of citicoline as a neuroprotection and neurorepair, the drug is often given to stroke patients. However, debate still arises between the significant benefits of using citicoline.

Is it safe for citicoline drugs for stroke patients?

Citicoline still seems to be a debated drug whether it is actually really useful for stroke. Various studies have been conducted to test the effect of citicoline. Research that has been done shows that citicoline is safe to use for stroke patients.

According to a study published in the Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease, the use of citicoline to treat strokes is permissible and may be useful for reducing stroke severity. However, the basic treatment of stroke itself such as the treatment of ischemic stroke using thrombolysis is still better than using citicoline alone.

Research conducted by the International Citicoline Trial on Acute Stroke (ICTUS) suggests that the use of citicoline does not provide beneficial results for patients who have had a stroke. From the results of these studies, there is doubt whether citicoline should be used for stroke patients or not. However, it should be noted that in the ICTUS study, the research target was patients with acute ischemic stroke.

Although the study provides unsupportive results for the use of citicoline in patients with acute ischemic stroke, it turns out that the use of citicoline is sufficient to provide good results in elderly stroke patients and patients who do not get thrombolysis therapy.

What are the benefits of citicoline for stroke patients?

Although there are studies that say that citicoline is not very useful for acute ischemic strokes, it turns out that citicoline can improve the decline in cognitive ability after a stroke. One study that looked at the usefulness of the citicoline was a study conducted by Alvarez-Sabin and friends.

Based on the results of these studies, it was found that the use of citicoline for 12 months in patients who received an ischemic stroke was first proven to be safe and could be effective in improving the decrease in mind power after a stroke.

What are the benefits of Citicoline drugs for stroke?
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