What's the Difference between Yoga and Pilates, and Which Is Right for Me?


Medical Video: Pilates vs Yoga, What's the Difference?

Yoga and Pilates can be said to be similar, when viewed from the type of movement. What distinguishes only the ultimate goal: yoga focuses more on flexibility, meditation, and stress management exercises, while the Pilates movement focuses more on forging stamina.

Different history

Yoga began 5,000 years ago in India, has continued to develop for centuries and is influenced by a variety of cultures until now created various types of yoga, from Ashtanga, Kripalu, Bikram, to Vinyasa.

Pilates is a contemporary version of yoga. The beginning of Pilates was developed around the 20th century by an athlete, Joseph Pilates, in Germany. He created a series of physical exercises as a form of rehabilitation and strengthening, focusing on postural core muscle control.

Both carry the understanding that the body and mind are two things that are interrelated with each other. However, yoga adds a distinguishing element: soul. Exploring the soul and spirituality takes a large portion in the practice of yoga as a whole, especially through meditation.

Meanwhile, Pilates creates the principle of the relationship between body and mind, and how they can help you in your daily life.

Which one is more suitable for me?

If your priority is to recover the body after an injury or strengthen weak joints, Pilates has more advantages than yoga.

Rachel Compton, director of Pilates from Sydney's Elixr Health Club, said that Pilates can increase the body's core strength and stability to restore body vitality after a joint injury. Pilates has been used for many years by physiotherapists to help manage and recover injuries by strengthening joint support muscles, and to prevent possible future injuries.

If your goal is to 'run away' from the stressful piles and daily routines to restore focus, choose yoga. Yoga helps you reach and maintain a balance between body, mind and spirit. The practice of yoga combines all the movements and postures you need to get general health and well-being, including relaxation techniques, breathing arrangements and meditation to achieve peace and peace of spirituality.

If you are a runner or dancer, these two sports can bring different benefits that are just as big for your body.

Yoga is an ideal sport if stretching and flexibility are your main goals. Stretching of yoga movements can help manage worn muscles after being used continuously to run.

Yoga classes range from mild and soothing to sweating profusely. Bikram, or hot yoga, is done in a room with an air temperature setting of up to 40 degrees Celsius. With a variety of yoga classes, there is always a type of yoga that is right for each person's needs.

The practice of pilates challenges your core and while strengthening your back and spine, arms, hips, inner thighs, and stomach. For those of you who are runners, Pilates can improve unbalanced posture and exercise body movements to be more efficient, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

Both of these sports can help you lose weight if done regularly and regularly, although neither of them requires you to be involved in fierce physical aerobic activities, such as boxing, running, or cycling. One 60-minute yoga session, depending on the type of yoga you do, can burn 200-630 calories. Pilates for 60 minutes can burn 270-460 calories per session, depending on the level of difficulty.

The good news, you don't have to choose. If you don't know where to start, try both and see which ones are more beneficial for you. Many people do yoga and pilates together to get the balance of the benefits of both.

But, if you already have a specific goal, focus on only one practice so you can get optimal benefits.


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What's the Difference between Yoga and Pilates, and Which Is Right for Me?
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