Why do I have headaches when I get digestive disorders?


Medical Video: MIGRAINES Come From Digestion

Have you ever felt a migraine when digestion is impaired? Yes, stomach nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe constipation can indicate a problem with the digestive system. Indigestion can actually trigger migraines, according to the study. Why did this condition occur? Come on, see the following review.

People with digestive disorders are at risk of migraines

Most people often complain of migraine symptoms when their digestion is disrupted. A migraine is a type of headache that causes a severe throbbing feeling on one side of the head. The pain appears on the right side or the left side of your head.

Dr. Jerry W. Swanson, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic said that studies published on Current Pain and Headache Report in 2012 showed an association between migraines and digestive disorders. People who often experience digestive system disorders have a higher risk of migraines than those who don't. This condition leads to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

In addition, children with certain syndromes and experiencing symptoms of vomiting, dizziness, and abdominal pain can also get migraines later. This condition is known as childhood periodic syndrome (childhood periodic syndromes).

Why are people with digestive disorders at risk for migraines?

woke up with a headache

Reported by Everyday Health, Carol Steven, a woman with IBS often feels migraines for days and even lasts up to 2 weeks. In fact, migraines are not included in IBS symptoms. Common symptoms of IBS include pain or cramps in the stomach, flatulence and spasms, as well as constipation or diarrhea.

Why did this condition occur? Researchers provide the possibility that decreased serotonin levels are a contributing factor. Serotonin is a hormone that carries signals between neural networks and has an important role in building moods. These hormones are produced in large amounts in the intestine and a small part of the brain.

When a person experiences indigestion, the possibility of serotonin production will be disrupted. Moreover, stress is also often experienced by people who experience the condition. The lack of increased serotonin and stress levels is a combination of migraine causes. That is why many people experience migraine symptoms when their digestive system cannot function properly.

Prevent migraines for people with digestive disorders

Although the risk of migraines is greater in people with digestive system disorders, these symptoms can still be prevented. The following tips to prevent migraines if you have IBS syndrome or celiac disease.

1. Avoid stress

sleep well every night
Source: Prevention

Stress and anxiety can increase due to family, work, and financial problems. To reduce stress, make sure you get enough sleep, drink lots of water, or exercise regularly. Take the time to do things that you like, such as reading books or comics, listening to music, or taking a vacation. In addition, avoid drinking alcohol and stop smoking.

2. See a doctor

type of medicine

The cause of migraines in people with IBS syndrome or Celiac disease is decreased serotonin levels. Usually the doctor will givetegaserod drug (Zelnorm), serotonin receptor agonist, is used in people with constipation in IBS patients.

If it is not effective, the treatment will be changed to alosetron. If a migraine appears, triptan drugs may be added to maintain serotonin levels in the brain.

3. Pay attention to the food menun

whole wheat bread or white bread

For people with Celiac disease, avoid foods with gluten content such as wheat. While for people with IBS syndrome, you should avoid dairy products, fatty foods, and caffeinated drinks. If your daily menu is in accordance with your body's condition, the symptoms will decrease and the headache will certainly be overcome.

Why do I have headaches when I get digestive disorders?
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