To be durable, this is the right way to make eyes that are always runny


Medical Video: How to stop watery eyes? - Dr. Sunita Rana Agarwal

Tears are useful for throwing and cleaning the eyes of foreign particles, such as dirt and dust. But in some people, the tear glands can continue to produce tears that make the eye condition runny. Now, how do you make your eyes so that they don't fall apart even though you have these conditions? Check out the following tips and how to apply eye makeup.

Tips and how to apply eye makeup for people who have watery eyes

Watery eyes are a big challenge when you have to make up yourself, especially when going to important events. Of course, you don't want to look chaotic and worn out due to faded eye makeup, right?

So the first thing you have to do is find out what causes your eyes to run out. Generally, this condition occurs due to allergies, the eyes are too tense, or because of the condition of the eyelids that do not close properly. If this condition only appears when you are finished dressing your eyes, it is likely to indicate reflex tears.

There are actually two types of tears, the first is designed to protect and protect the cornea of ​​the eye from exposure to foreign substances. While the second is reflex tears, which will appear when the eye is exposed to foreign substances.

Reflex tears often appear when you put something near your eyes, such as wearing eyelashes or eyeliner. The following tips and how to apply makeup that are safe for watery eyes so that the irritation does not get worse and damage the makeup.

1. Use eye drops before using makeup

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You can find eye drops easily. However, avoid using eye drops that specifically treat red eye, because these drugs actually stimulate the production of more and more tears.

Preferably, consult your doctor first about the condition of your eyes. Then, ask for prescription eye drops that can reduce tear production. Use these drops before you use makeup on your eyes, so that the drops don't make your makeup mess.

2. Use products with labels hypoallergic

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If you feel that watery eyes are caused by allergies in eye makeup products, then use makeup products that havehypoallergic. Especially in products, such as eye cream, eyeshadow, eyelineror mascara.

Meanwhile, avoid products that use carmine. This substance is a red pigment from a beetle, which is usually used in bright red and purple. Carmine is very easy to make the eyes become runny especially for those who are sensitive.

3. Make sure the make up is clean

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Make sure if the make up is like, eyelash curler and brush always clean when you use it. If not cleaned often, the possibility of dust or other dirt can stick and make your eyes irritated.

Also make sure your makeup products can still be used. All makeup products have different validity periods, always pay attention to the expiration dates listed on the product packaging.

Instead, replace your mascara every three months. Liquid makeup products tend to be more easily damaged than solid ones. Before use, first smell the aroma. If it doesn't smell like a typical product, don't use the product and replace it with another one.

4. Use basic makeup under the eyes

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Well, after you prepare the makeup tools and products and use drops. The next step is to use basic makeup with eyecream, under the eyes. Why? Tears contain salt which can dry the skin under the eyes. To keep the under eye area moist, this special cream can prevent the skin under the eyes from drying out.

5. Avoid makeup on the lower eye area

Use eyeliner right on the lower lash line can trigger a tear reflex that makes the watery eye condition get worse. Meanwhile, using eyeliner in the upper eye line is still fairly safe.

Choose pencil-shaped eyeliner and use eyeliner on the eye line after lashes so as not to make the eyes runny.

6. Always provide tissue and clean makeup at night

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Even though you have used eye drops and tried to apply your eyes properly, there is a possibility that tears will come out. So, always prepare tissue if you feel that there are tears coming out.

Also, when the tears run, you can lift your chin up and take a slow breath. This method can prevent water from flowing down.

To prevent eye irritation from getting worse, eye makeup should be cleaned afterwards. Use make up remover with cotton so that the makeup is lifted from the skin and the area around the eyes.

To be durable, this is the right way to make eyes that are always runny
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