Why Do We Want to Vomit When Feeling Disgusted?


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Have you ever seen something dirty until you feel disgust, nausea, and then vomit? You don't need to worry, vomiting is normal and good for you.

Vomiting is not a disease. As explained WebMDvomiting and nausea are symptoms that indicate other conditions, which may also be a sign that you are sick. Vomiting is the discharge in the stomach due to a certain force. It is associated with nausea and strong contractions in the abdominal muscles. Vomiting is different from regurgitation, aka the rise of the stomach contents into the esophagus without feeling sick and without strong muscle contractions.

What is the connection between disgust and nausea and vomiting?

When you feel disgusted with something and make you feel like vomiting,maybe the nausea is caused because our body has a unique signal that gives a sign that something is dangerous.

Like this disgust, for example, which then reacts to you which makes you want to vomit. So what is said by neuroscientist Richard Clarke, from University College London as reported DailyMail Last October 2015.

According to him, the human brain is very great, until the brain receives a picture of something that might contain poisons, such as stale food, rotten meat, and other disgusting things, the lower brain sends signals to the body to coordinate the act of wanting to vomit.

"Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body when viewing or ingesting toxins. In addition, vomiting can also reduce the pressure due to blockage or enlargement of the organ that causes pressure on the digestive tract, "Clarke said.

Adam Perkins, a lecturer from King College London, also argues, people who reflexively experience nausea and vomiting when they see something disgusting, usually tend to be stronger to survive. "This means that the areas of the brain in your body that respond to unnatural things work well," he said.

Why do we feel disgusted?

What's in disgust? Is it really disgust, until you can make us vomit? Quoted Seconds, an expert from the UK's London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Val Curtis, said disgust is a form of preventive measure to protect ourselves from threatening signs, such as illness. Disgust turns out to be good for the body, because it can prevent more severe health problems, such as contracting a virus or germs.

Val Curtis said, when we see things that are dirty, our bodies will feel disgusted. Disgust itself is a nervous response from the brain to the potential threat of bacteria if not avoided.

"Disgust appears before contact with bacteria, preventing the body from getting infected. And the body will usually respond to the disgust with vomiting or nausea, "Val Curtis said.

Even though it seems that for laymen vomiting is unhealthy, we now know that in some cases vomiting is actually a sign that our body's response is working well.

But if after vomiting you feel sick or your health condition is not good, you should check with your doctor to determine the condition.


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Why Do We Want to Vomit When Feeling Disgusted?
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