Why do women get sick easily during menstruation?


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Menstruation is always experienced by all women every month. However, every month also menstruation is always accompanied by abdominal pain and sometimes even makes the body weak so that it is susceptible to disease. If you experience this often, questions will arise in your mind: actually, what causes a woman to get sick easily during menstruation?

Why do women get sick easily during menstruation?

For most women, menstruation can easily change moods in an instant. How come? When you experience menstruation, your body suddenly becomes weak, your stomach feels painful, and sometimes it even decreases your body's health, aka it becomes susceptible to disease.

Headaches, fever, flu, and coughing, are some of the conditions that women often experience during menstruation. Finally, it makes you cranky all day because it interferes with all the neatly arranged plans.

If you experience this, don't panic first. According to Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a medical director at the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women 's Health at NYU Langone Medical Center, a weakened body condition resulting in menstrual pain is motivated by hormonal changes in the body.

Because, entering the menstrual period, the levels of the hormone estrogen in the body decreases. In fact, estrogen plays a role in helping to activate the part of the brain that regulates pain. That is why, the lower the level of estrogen in the body, the weaker the ability of the brain to relieve pain.

Besides that, there are other opinions that say that the cause of a woman's pain easily during menstruation is because of the release of prostaglandins, namely chemicals that cause contractions in the uterus to expel blood during menstruation.

The production of prostaglandin in the body will usually increase into the menstrual period, the goal is to push blood out of the uterus. Well, this increase in prostaglandin can trigger stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and other discomfort.

In addition, prostaglandin is also believed to have a share of the rise and fall of your body temperature. Maybe this is one reason that causes women to get a fever while menstruating.

How to prevent pain during menstruation?

Actually, pain that only appears when menstruating will recover and disappear after the menstrual period ends. However, there is nothing wrong if you want to prevent the coming of the disease so that the body stays fit during menstruation. Some ways you can do that are:

1. Get to know your menstrual period

late menstruation

The first step that you can do to prevent illness entering your period, is to recognize your menstrual pattern. So you have to know when your menstrual cycle starts, and when the body usually starts to weaken until then you fall sick.

Dr. Rashmi Halker, an assistant professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic Arizona, explained that women with regular menstrual cycles will find it easier to predict the onset of pain, so that you can be better prepared before a sudden body weakness.

2. Eat nutritious food

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When you eat a healthy food source, it not only provides energy for the body, but also provides good nutrition for cells and organs in the body. In short, well-fulfilled nutrients from food can help maintain your body's health ahead of menstruation.

Not only that, by noticing the food consumed, it can help you to prevent the possibility of developing food-borne diseases - such as stomach aches and diarrhea.

3. Take vitamins

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Taking vitamins can be one way to prevent pain during menstruation. Because, vitamins can help meet the body's nutritional needs that may not be fulfilled from food sources.

In addition, several types of vitamins - such as vitamins C and E - can also help strengthen the immune system's resistance, so that it can support the prevention of disease.

4. Get enough rest

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It is undeniable that quality sleep occupies an important role not only in daily performance, but also to keep the body in a healthy condition.

Because, without realizing it turns out that sleep helps the body to maintain a hormone balance that may change before the menstrual period, to maintain the immune system to protect the body from infection and other harmful substances.

So, it's important to start sleeping and waking up on time, not only before the menstrual period, but also every day.

Why do women get sick easily during menstruation?
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