Your Body Fat Can Be a Pollution Poison Store


Medical Video: Toxins In Your Body | How Your Body Stores Toxins That Make You Sick

Research over the past ten years continues to find evidence that environmental pollution can trigger the development of diseases, one of which is due to the accumulation of toxins from pollution (toxins) in the layers of human body fat. This of course will affect the quality of overall health because it causes continuous damage, especially in people who are obese.

How can toxins accumulate in the body fat layer?

One reason why toxins or poisons can accumulate in fat is because the function of fat itself is as a store of substances absorbed by the intestine and liver, such as nutrients and toxins. Because of these storage factors, fat can prevent too much toxin from circulating in the circulatory system.

However, fat is the last part of the body's defenses which plays a role in absorbing toxins, when other organs such as lymph, intestines and liver cannot absorb toxins. The liver which has a major role in detoxifying poisons cannot filter toxins effectively when there is too much exposure and accumulation of toxins, so that more toxins are absorbed by the layer of fat.

Accumulation of excess toxins is caused by too much fat layer which can be released at any time back into the bloodstream, and must be re-absorbed by the liver so that a cycle of poisoning occurs that will burden the liver. In some time, cell oxidation and damage occur due to free radicals from the layer of fat that accumulates cells. As a result, the cell degeneration process occurs earlier and has an impact on metabolic processes, hormonal disorders and impaired central nervous system performance.

What types of harmful substances can accumulate in the body fat layer?

Basically not all poisons or toxins can accumulate in the body, only fat-soluble toxins can be stored. There are a number of fat-soluble poisons that we often encounter everyday such as:

  • pesticide ingredients
  • preservatives and food additives
  • heavy metals in the air, especially from diesel engines
  • cigarette smoke
  • plastic burning fumes
  • chemicals in the environment, such as volcanic dust

Dioxin toxins are one type of poison that can be found in various sources of poisons. The effect of dioxin on the body causes slow damage, especially in the skin organs and liver which in turn can also damage other organs. Dioxin is very easy to accumulate in the human body because in addition to the amount in many environments, it is also found in animals that are exposed and become accumulated in the human body.

However, controlling body fat is one way to reduce levels of dioxin that accumulates in fat. This is indicated by research published on International Journal of Obesity in 2010 who found a significant decrease in serum dioxin in the individual's body along with a decrease in weight and loss of fat.

Impact of dioxin buildup in the fat layer

The world health agency or WHO states that dioxin is the most dangerous poison if it accumulates in the body. The acute impact of the accumulation of dioxin toxins can be seen from the color of the skin that becomes dull and impaired liver function which is a sign if the body has begun to experience poisoning.

In a longer time, exposure to dioxins causes a person to become more easily sick, disruptions to brain development, hormonal disorders and decrease the function of reproductive organs. Although it requires accumulation and a long time, accumulation of dioxin in fat can be carcinogenic and can trigger the development of cancer cells.

How do you prevent toxins from accumulating in body fat?

There are several things you can do to control excess fat and help the body to remove toxins or detoxify the body, including:

  • Active activities - is an effective way to burn fat while removing toxins along with sweat. Regular exercise also strengthens the respiratory organs of the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system response to toxic substances absorbed by the body.
  • Consumption of vegetables and fruit - this has the role of maintaining intestinal health and triggering bowel movements to remove leftover food. Very little bowel movement or constipation will trigger the absorption of more fat and poisons. In addition, WHO also recommends balancing food intake with consumption of vegetables and fruit useful to minimize the risk of intake of dioxin-contaminated animal fats.
  • Meet the adequacy of drinking water - there are very many benefits when the body gets enough drinking water such as preventing dehydration, maintaining metabolism and helping to remove food waste from the intestine. But pay attention to the cleanliness of drinking water and make sure if the water is not contaminated with poisons.
  • Relaxation - relaxed conditions will help lymphatic tissue in the intestinal organs work better at capturing poisons and have the opposite effect when someone experiences stress. This can be done by breathing can or taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it can help you relax in a short time.
Your Body Fat Can Be a Pollution Poison Store
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