Your hand looks old? 7 This Can Be the Cause


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As you get older, the signs of aging will usually begin to appear one by one. Just like the face, the skin on the hands is not immune from aging. If so, you certainly become less confident when chatting with friends. Inevitably you have to be willing to hide your hands so that they are invisible to others. Indeed, what can cause the skin of the hand to look old? Consider the following review.

Various causes of the skin of the hand look older than usual

You might think if the skin of your hands will experience aging when you reach adulthood. Don't get me wrong, this can also be caused by the use of unsuitable beauty products or lack of skin care, you know.

In addition, there are other causes that make your skin look older, including:

1. Stain spots on the skin (age spot)

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When you find black spots or blemishes on the skin, you may feel that you have entered an age of aging. But in fact, the appearance of blemishes on the skin of the hand has nothing to do with age.

A clinical skin specialist from New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Eileen Lambroza revealed in Prevention that this is caused by excessive sun exposure. That is why, spots on the skin can also occur in young people. So, this is not a sign that you are aging, huh.

To overcome this, make sure to always wear a sunscreen every time you leave the house and gloves every time you ride a motorcycle or bicycle. This can reduce the risk of blemishes on the skin of the hand.

2. Thin and sagging skin

One of the causes of aging of the skin of the hand may be because you have thin and sagging skin. Usually, skin that tends to thin will be easier to look wrinkled, not supple, and looks like crepe paper.

Sagging skin can be caused by excessive sun exposure. Because the sun can break down collagen, which makes the skin remain supple and tight.

According to Dr. Deborah Sarnoff, a clinical professor of dermatology from New York University, this can be overcome with the use of retinoid creams. Its function is to improve skin texture and trigger collagen growth, which is a material that can make the skin look more supple.

3. Prominent veins

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Look at the back of your hand, are there vein bumps there? If yes, this is the reason your hands look older.

Veins that are too large can hide fats that function to maintain skin elasticity. Usually, the doctor will do a laser treatment to help reduce blood vessel protrusion. Over time, the bulge will thin out so that your hands look more youthful.

4. Scaly skin

Scaly skin is generally characterized by rough skin and sometimes causes itching. Be careful, this one skin problem can be the cause of your hands aging faster than usual.

For those of you who experience it, immediately visit a dermatologist to get the right advice. Usually, the doctor will suggest you wear scrub gentle to remove dead skin cells and scales on the skin of the hand.

5. Yellow or brown nails

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Nails are one of the important parts that need to be treated. Without realizing it, the condition of your nails can be a determinant of whether your hand is old or not

Because the nails that look yellow or brownish make your skin come dragged and look old. If the yellow nail continues, it could be caused by a fungal infection.

However, if in fact it is not due to a fungal infection, yellow nails may be caused by side effects of psoriasis medication or dark nail polish. As a result, your nails look browner and no longer clear glow.

Rub lemon slices on the nails for 15 to 20 minutes to remove any residual stains on the nails. If it doesn't go away, immediately consult a skin specialist.

6. Brittle nails

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Fragile nails and fragile nails can be caused by various things, including the influence of chemicals, weather, even genetic (hereditary). Without realizing it, the condition of easily broken and brittle nails can make your hands look older.

According to a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, a vitamin B supplement of 2.5 mg can help increase nail strength and reduce fragility for 6-9 months. In addition, pay attention to the health of your nails with regular care so that they still look beautiful.

7. How to make the wrong manicure

manicure way at home

Improper treatment of nails can also cause your hands to look older than usual. For example, the tools used are not sterile and dirty, nail polish or nail polish containing dangerous chemicals, and so on.

Rather than groping deeply for a manicure in a salon, it's a good idea to try manicure alone at home which is more practical and economical. This way, you can also ensure that the equipment used is sterile and the beauty products are safe to use.

Your hand looks old? 7 This Can Be the Cause
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