10 Festive Cheap Ways to Save Energy


Medical Video: Weird trick to save energy revealed

Switching to fluorescent lights or turning off all lights and electronic equipment when not needed is a simple energy saving step that has a big impact. But if you are turning your brain to find other ways to save more on your monthly household expenses, we have the tips.

Various cheap cheap ways to save energy

1. Keep the TV or other large electronic device away from the air conditioner or air vent

Placing a display lamp or TV near the AC can cause the AC machine to work harder than its normal capacity because the thermostat detects heat released by electronic devices that are near its range. Do not also install the AC unit above the door or near the window because this position is vulnerable to allow indoor air to move to another room.

Consider the direction and position of air circulation when you arrange home furniture. Place the sofa, bed, cupboard, do not cover the window or ventilation chamber so as not to prevent the smooth flow of air in and out. These large furniture can also absorb air from air conditioning or heating, so that it can reduce its effectiveness. Even if you have limited space, move furniture not up to 30 cm away from the wall can make a big difference.

2. Turn on the AC not too cold

Turn on the air conditioner in a temperature that resembles outdoor air temperature. Setting the best AC temperature in the room is around 25-26ºC, or 3-5 degrees Celsius lower than the outdoor temperature. At this temperature, the air conditioner will not consume too much electricity. The smaller the difference in temperature distance between air conditioning and outdoor temperatures, the more energy efficient it will be. Every one degree Celsius increase can save household electricity costs 3-10 percent.

Turn on the AC for about 15 minutes before you sleep, and set the timer to turn off the air conditioner for 1-2 hours before your morning alarm sounds. When the air conditioner is off, usually the room will still feel cool for some time.

3. Turn off the water heater

Water heaters are responsible for up to 14-25 percent of your monthly electricity expenditure. Lower the temperature setting to just warm water (± 40-45ºC) to save energy. In addition, many of us intentionally leave the water heater on for supplies later on. Even though this method looks useful, it actually turns on the water heater constantly making your electricity bill soar.

4. Wash clothes with cold water

You might think that most of the electricity wasted from using a washing machine is to move the inner tube to grind clothes. In fact, 90 percent of the energy used is to heat laundry water. Save enough energy by setting the washing machine in the washing option and rinse with cold water. Warm water helps foam to erode dirt more quickly, but cold water detergent works equally effectively.

And, instead of using a drying machine, dry your clothes manually in the sun.

5. Save energy in the kitchen

Always use the microwave every time you cook, if possible - besides requiring less electricity, you can also avoid suffocating the room with the excess of hot air released from the oven. If the oven is really needed, cook some food at a time (in a different oven rack, of course).

If you use a stove, adjust the size of the pan or pan with the diameter of the burner axis on the stove. Avoid using a small pan on the axis of a large stove. Boil just as much water as you need, and remember to use the lid so that the water boils faster.

6. Bathing cowboys helps you save energy

Still remember, right, how about when you were a child - or when you were late for work - we always cut bath time? Soap a little here and there, wrong. Actually, you can watch this super-fast shower to save energy while staying clean and fragrant.

Here's how: rinse the body under the shower for a minute, then turn it off. Pour shampoo, rub and massage the head, rinse a minute. Turn off. Sabuni your body well (can be combined with washing your face), then rinse for one minute. Turn off. Turn on the tap to gargle, turn it off. Continue to brush your teeth, rinse and turn off the water.

7. Settle the contents of the refrigerator

It's empty to fill the fridge with this, it turns out it can deflate the contents of your wallet. Every time you open and close the refrigerator there will be outside air that goes into the refrigerator, replacing the cold air. Your refrigerator now needs to use more energy to maintain the temperature in the refrigerator. So, the more empty the contents of your refrigerator, the more warm air will remain from outside, and more electricity will be drained to cool the contents of the refrigerator.

Not that you have to fill the refrigerator to the point where it is crowded. However, generally, a fridge that is full and neatly arranged is a good thing. Keep a little space to "breathe" between your stored food ingredients so that air can circulate more efficiently. Conversely, the freezer must be really solid, because each adjacent food will help each other accelerate the freezing process.

Also remember to avoid putting hot food or drinks directly into the refrigerator. This habit can change the temperature of the refrigerator ecosystem. Let the food and hot drinks stand while it cools, then put it in the refrigerator. This will prevent the refrigerator from being wasteful of electricity to maintain cold temperatures.

8. Use thick curtains

On hot days, open curtains and windows wide to facilitate room air circulation. But, during cold weather and all night, close tightly every window, door, and curtain to keep the air in the room warm.

If possible, keep the door in the area of ​​the house you are not using to remain tightly closed and only heat or cool the room temperature in the room you are using for your activities.

9. Put the brick in the toilet tank sitting

Maybe you've heard this suggestion from a neighbor's whisper or from your moms. Who would have thought that this simple trick is powerful enough to reduce the amount of rupiah you have to spend per month?

In principle, by placing bricks (or other large and heavy objects, such as glass bottles) into your toilet seat's water tank, that means the tank will hold less water. Thus, less water is wasted every time you press the flush lever. If you choose the brick option, make sure to wrap it tightly in the plastic first to prevent the rock from quickly eroding the water.

10. Gardening

There is no need to build a greenhouse to make your home beautiful. Simply plant vines that climb the outer walls of your home and some shady trees in the yard to act as shade from the sun. These plants are effective in reducing the temperature in your home to several degrees Celsius.

Beautiful home gardens will not only elevate the aesthetic value of your home, but also become an important part of creating your own microclimate that can help you save more energy on cooling or heating.


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10 Festive Cheap Ways to Save Energy
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