10 Fiber-Rich Foods For Those Who Want #LifeEnergy and Healthy But Not Like VegetablesThis is a sponsor article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.


Medical Video: Get Heart Healthy with Soluble Fiber

To support a healthy life, you need to meet the various nutrients your body needs. Of course fruit and vegetables will be highly recommended foods because of their high fiber content.

However, for those of you who don't like vegetables, this is a challenge. Don't worry, you can still eat foods other than vegetables that are also rich in fiber. Check out the following reviews about a variety of fiber-rich foods besides vegetables that you can consume every day.

Besides vegetables, there are many other fiber-rich foods that can be consumed

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, or seeds, contain phytochemicals and fiber that cannot be replaced with supplements. Reporting from Healthy Eating SF Gate, the fiber contained in these foods helps the functioning of the digestive system, controls cholesterol, regulates sugar levels, and suppresses hunger longer, thereby helping to better absorb nutrients.

Because the benefits are plentiful, if you don't like vegetables, you can still get fiber by eating fruit, nuts, or seeds as an alternative.

These foods avoid you from various diseases, such as digestive disorders, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

So, living well but being healthy is not very difficult, really. Especially for those of you who don't like vegetables, balance your nutritional intake with various types of foods rich in fiber other than vegetables, such as:

1. Soybeans

Soybeans are a better source of vegetable protein than others. Nutrients contained in soybeans include selenium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, folate, and omega 6 fatty acids. All these nutrients are needed by the body to function normally. There are many foods made from soybeans, even available in the form of milk and snacks crispy which is practically consumed.

2. Avocados

The fiber contained in avocados varies depending on the type. In addition, avocados contain healthy fats and are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin K, and potassium. This fruit is easily combined or processed, for example, made into juice or added to sandwich or toast.

3. Pears

This sweet and juicy fruit contains high fiber with vitamin C, vitamin K, omega-6 fatty acids, and potassium. This is good for the development of cells and brain function and nerve function. To get the maximum fiber, eat pears at once with the skin.

4. Give

Berries contain rich fiber with vitamin C, vitamin K, omega-6 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium, and manganese. This helps increase bone density, skin health, and regulates blood sugar levels.

5. Coconut

Coconut is rich in psyllium fiber and coconut meat contains manganese, folate, and omega-6 fatty acids and has a low glycemic index. You can use head flour or grated coconut into the food or snack menu that you make.

6. Five beans

These beans offer iron, manganese, antioxidants, copper, folate, phosphorus, protein, vitamin B2, and vitamin B6. You can add five beans in your diet.

7. Almonds and walnuts

These beans are rich in fiber and contain protein, vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, and omega-6 fatty acids. While walnuts contain protein, manganese, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6, phosphorus, and copper. Almonds are lower in calories than walnuts. Both are good for nerve and brain function and can be eaten directly or mixed with yogurt or oatmeal.

8. Flaxseed

The important nutrients contained in these seeds are protein, thiamine, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids. This helps reduce cholesterol levels and alleviates menopausal symptoms.

You can add flaxseed inside smoothies, salador soup.

It is important for you to adjust the nutritional content of the food you consume. To be more confident with a food menu that suits your nutritional needs, consulting a doctor or nutritionist is the best step. Don't forget to consume enough water so that the stool becomes softer and easier to remove.

10 Fiber-Rich Foods For Those Who Want #LifeEnergy and Healthy But Not Like VegetablesThis is a sponsor article. For complete information about our Advertiser and Sponsor Policies, please read here.
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