What Heat Is Actually In Disease? (Plus how to overcome it)


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Throat pain, canker sores, cracked lips may often be considered a "disease" in the heat. Usually you will feel these symptoms after eating too much fried or too tired. So, how are you sure if you only feel heartburn instead of another pain? Do you yourself know what is hot? If you're not sure, you can find out in this article.

Inner heat is not a disease, but a symptom of an illness

Sprue, chapped lips, and sore throat are typical symptoms that you feel when it's hot. However, is this term in the medical world? The term deep heat is actually wrong. Inner heat is not a disease, but a symptom of an illness. Conditions of fatigue, indigestion, throat disorders, and hormonal imbalances can be characterized by a burning sensation in the body.

In the medical world the term heat is not known. So, this term does not exist in the medical world. It's just that many people already consider a series of symptoms that arise as the disease itself.

Someone who complains of these symptoms often do not have a fever. His body temperature is normal when measured using a thermometer. The definition of heat in each person can be different because the causes can vary for each person. Maybe you can feel these symptoms when you have a sore throat or sore throat, you can also experience it because of canker sores or digestive disorders.

The most common complaints are usually canker sores, chapped lips, toothache, body aches, sore throat, diarrhea, the body feels hot, burning sensation in the chest, nosebleeds, and defecation accompanied by blood.

If you feel these symptoms and you are trying to treat them with over-the-counter drugs in a pharmacy or in a stall, they may reduce the symptoms you feel but not eliminate the underlying disease.

Not surprisingly, the symptoms you feel can occur repeatedly. For those of you who experience symptoms repeatedly, don't take it for granted. It is important to immediately see a doctor if it does not heal.

sore throat

Then, what can you do to prevent it?

1. Pay attention to your meal time

Make sure you eat on time. This applies especially to those of you who have stomach acid disorders. Late eating can cause stomach problems or increase stomach acid to the chest or throat area. This often causes many people to feel symptoms that have pain, pain, and burning heat in the throat or chest.

2. Choose a food menu

Limit fried foods and avoid foods that are too spicy. Fried and spicy foods often cause cuts or irritations in the throat. The inflammation will cause symptoms such as sore throat or canker sores. Too much oily food is also not good for your health.

3. Exercise regularly

Symptoms of heat can occur because your body's system is weak, causing a sore throat or canker sores. Sports according to research can increase your body's resistance so that it makes your immune system better. Also make sure you can manage your stress because this pressure can reduce the body's resistance.

How to treat heartburn

The quickest and most appropriate way to treat this condition is to find a disease that causes complaints. By treating the problem point, the symptoms called deep heat will heal.

How do you know what caused it? It's simple, see a doctor immediately. Especially if the symptoms that you experience have been running for days and hot drugs in the ordinary do not work to treat it.

What Heat Is Actually In Disease? (Plus how to overcome it)
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