10 Symptoms of Lupus in Women to Watch Out for


Medical Video: Lupus

Although lupus is a disease that can affect all sexes, Womens Health notes that 90 percent of lupus patients are women. Worse, lupus attacks many women in productive periods. Head of Division of Rheumatology and Lupus Center at NYU Langone Health, Dr. Jill Buyon said that lupus is an autoimmune disease that cannot be cured and the cure has not been found.

However, the faster it detects this disease, the various symptoms can be treated as early and effectively as possible. The following are various symptoms of lupus that should be watched out for.

1. A rash on a butterfly-like face

Mayo Clinic

The first and very typical symptom of lupus in women is a skin rash on the face. Usually, the rash will appear like a butterfly, extending from the nose bone, cheeks, to the jawbone. This type of rash is referred to as the rash butterfly. Usually this happens because the skin has sensitivity to light.

2. Muscle and joint pain

Pain in muscles and joints usually appears in the morning when you wake up. In addition to pain, the joint also experiences swelling and feels stiff. Usually the affected part is the wrist, knuckles, and fingers. Joint pain in lupus generally only appears on one side of the hand.

In addition, this swelling and pain tend to come and go, not getting worse from day to day like rheumatism.

3. Chest pain

Lupus can trigger inflammation of the membranes lining the lungs and heart. As a result, people with lupus will experience chest pain and shortness of breath.

4. Easy to get tired

Lupus is a disease that can cause interference with blood cells. For example the number of white blood cells that are too low, blood platelets that are too low, or low red blood cells to cause anemia.

As a result, the body becomes easily tired and lackluster. Not only that, the body that is attacked by lupus is also more easily fatigued because the various organs of your body function begins to be disturbed.

5. Kidney problems

The kidneys are one of the organs of the body that can experience complications due to lupus. Experts argue that this is associated with antibody cells that should protect the body instead of invading the body, one of which is the kidney. This condition sometimes results in permanent damage to the kidneys.

Symptoms of lupus in women due to kidney damage include weight gain, swollen ankles, high blood pressure, and decreased kidney function.

6. Mental disorders and brain function

If someone has lupus, the central nervous system will be disrupted. This condition results in various mental problems such as depression, anxiety, fear, to unwarranted confusion.

Not only that, lupus can also attack the brain which can cause a person to experience seizures and memory loss for a while. Therefore, if you experience this with other lupus symptoms, immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause.

7. Fever

People with lupus often have a fever that is usually more than 38 degrees Celsius. This happens as the body's response to inflammation and infection. Therefore, body temperature will increase beyond normal. If the fever does not go down for days, you should immediately see a doctor to ask for a correct diagnosis of your current condition.

8. Weight loss suddenly

Sudden reduction in body weight for no apparent reason can be a sign of serious illness. In lupus, this is caused by a disrupted immune system that ultimately affects certain thyroid and hormones that can cause you to lose a few pounds without any reason you realize.

9. Thinning hair

Thinning hair is one of the symptoms of lupus in women due to inflammation of the scalp. Usually this is also caused by thyroid levels that are too low or also called hypothyroidism. As a result, hair loss starts slowly. In addition, hair also usually becomes more fragile and easily broken.

10. Ulcer wounds in the mouth

Mouth ulcer wounds are one of the symptoms of lupus in women who appear in the early days. Usually the wound will be seen on the palate, gums, on the inner cheeks, and also on the lips. This wound does not always cause pain, but can also be characterized by a dry mouth condition.

Not everyone experiences these ten symptoms of lupus. Some people may only experience one or two symptoms. The most important thing is that you must be sensitive to your own body. Feel free to check with your doctor if you experience a variety of unusual symptoms and appear without obvious causes.

10 Symptoms of Lupus in Women to Watch Out for
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