3 objects that most often trigger allergies in children


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Allergies are a series of symptoms that arise as a response from the body's immune system to substances that are usually harmless. This substance is known as allergens. Allergic reactions usually occur after direct contact with the skin, inhaled, or eaten. Child allergy triggers vary. Symptoms caused also depend on the trigger. Then what are the triggers for allergies in children?

List of child allergens

1. Food

Food is the most frequent trigger for child allergies. Food allergies arise when the body reacts to proteins that are considered harmful to the body.This reaction usually occurs shortly after food is consumed.

Most cases of food allergies in children are caused by eggs, cow's milk, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, beans from trees (such as walnuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews), fish (such as tuna, salmon), and seafood (such as shrimp, lobster, squid).Food allergies in meat, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seeds such as sesame may also occur. Food allergic reactions can vary, from mild reactions to severe reactions.

Food allergic reactions can vary, from mild reactions to severe reactions. Before you suspect that your child has a food allergy, first know the general symptoms of food allergies. Symptoms can include a rash or bred spots on the skin that look like mosquito bites, sneezing, wheezing, tightened throat, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, to anaphylactic shock for severe allergic reactions. This condition requires immediate medical treatment.

But food allergies for early childhood can be lost. About 80% -90% of allergy to eggs, milk, wheat, and soybeans will not appear again when the child is 5 years old. But few can actually recover from nuts or seafood allergies. Pediatricians and allergists can do several tests to diagnose food allergies in children and monitor their progress, whether the allergy is gone or not.

2. Pollen, dust and mold

Environment is one of the triggers for child allergies. If your child overreacts to the environment, then your child has allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is inflammation that occurs in the nasal cavity due to an allergic reaction. There are various allergens that can trigger the immune system reaction if inhaled through the nose. Common types of allergens are pollen, mites, dust, mold spores, and animal hair. Cigarette smoke and perfume are also triggers for this allergy.

Symptoms usually appear immediately or arise after your child is exposed to allergic triggers. Some symptoms include:

  • The eyes are itchy and runny, angry or swollen
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy or runny eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Coughs

3. Drug

Drug allergy is an overreaction of the body's immune system to a drug used. This reaction arises because the immune system considers certain substances in the drug as substances that can harm the body. This condition is different from the side effects of drugs usually listed on the packaging, as well as drug poisoning due to overdose.

Symptoms of drug allergy generally appear gradually as the immune system builds antibodies to fight the drug. These symptoms may not appear directly when your child first uses the drug.

In the first stage of use, the immune system will assess the drug as a harmful substance to the body and then develop antibodies slowly. In the next use, these antibodies will detect and attack the substance of the drug. This process can trigger symptoms of drug allergy.

Most drug allergies have mild symptoms, and usually will subside within a few days after the drug is stopped. The following are some common symptoms of drug allergies, namely:

  • Rashes or bumps on the skin
  • Itchy
  • Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
  • Swelling
3 objects that most often trigger allergies in children
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