The 4 Best Types of Sports to Lower Blood Pressure


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High blood pressure or commonly called hypertension cannot be cured, but you can control the symptoms. Precisely if left unchecked, high tension can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and various other serious health problems. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, you also need to exercise more regularly to lower blood pressure. What types of exercise can reduce blood pressure?

Sports options for lowering blood pressure

1. Cardio

Cardio exercise is good for burning fat and maintaining heart health.Cardio exercise itself is a type of exercise that requires the body to keep moving so that it increases the heart rate.

The heart is made up of muscles that must move to make it stronger and stronger again. If the heart muscle is strong, thenblood vessels can drain more and faster blood so that it can drain more oxygen into the muscle cells. At the same time, this allows body cells to burn more fat during exercise and at rest. Including fat that clogs arteries.This is which makes cardio the right choice as a sport to reduceblood pressure.

Examples of cardio exercises is walking, jogging, dancing, aerobics, and swimming.

2. Lift the load

The working principle of lifting weights to lower blood pressure is similar to cardio. In fact, athe level of load is actually more effective for burning fat.Penn State research reports that lifting weights can burn 3 kilograms of fat more than aerobic exercise (which is a type of cardio exercise).

Health and sports experts agree that combining cardio exercise sets with lifting weights is even more effective at achieving a more optimal tension reduction.Reporting from Health, research from Duke University found that participants who did a combination of cardio and weight training sessions were able to burn up to as much as 7 kilograms of fat after a routine exercise of 47 minutes every week.

You can start by lifting a mini barbell at home or using a weight lifting machine in the gym. But it should start slowly and be supervised by a personal trainer. Being too careless to lift weights that are too heavy can actually increase blood pressure to a more dangerous level,

3. Isometric exercise

This type of exercise is rarely heard, but it turns out to be effective in lowering blood pressure. This exercise involves contraction of the heart muscle, but not as much as weight lifting. An example of a simple isometric exercise that you can do every day is holding a tennis ball firmly and patterned. Start slowly and increase the intensity over time. But remember, don't overdo it

4. Yoga

The link between yoga and decreasing blood pressure is unknown. Even so, yoga can reduce stress, which is one of the risk factors for increased blood pressure. You can start by mastering basic yoga poses.

How long should exercise be used to reduce blood pressure?

Everyone is advised to exercise every day. It doesn't need to be difficult, just by walking, jogging, cycling, or futsal sparing with your office mates.

In Indonesia alone, you are recommended to do 150 minutes of exercise in a week or 30 minutes every day or at least 3-5 times a week. This time you can distribute regularly every day. If so far you have never exercised regularly, share in several sessions for one day. For example, 15 minutes twice a day (morning and evening), or 10 minutes 3 times a day (morning run, warm up in the office during lunch, and yoga before going to bed).

The 4 Best Types of Sports to Lower Blood Pressure
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