3 of the most common causes of thickened toenails, plus tips for overcoming them


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You may later realize that your toenails appear thicker, harder, and paler than normal. Actually thickening of toenails is a natural thing. Thickened toenails are one of the "side effects" of aging. Even so, thickened toenails can also indicate a particular disease. Here's the full info

Why are toenails thickened?

Nails are body parts made of keratin, a type of protein that is also contained in your hair. Each nail starts to grow from the nail matrix, a small pocket under the skin. As long as there is sufficient blood supply and nutrition, the nail matrix will constantly create new nail cells (oncocytes) and push the older nail cells up and out toward the fingertips.

As we get older, cell growth and repair rates become slower. This causes a buildup of oncocytes in the lenpeng nail, which makes the nails appear thickened. Even so, thickening of the nail due to aging is more commonly seen in toenails. The reason, hand nails can grow three times faster than the toenails, so the risk of thickening is smaller than toenails.

The cause of toenails thickens other than because of aging

Apart from naturally occurring due to aging, thickening of the toenails can be a sign of certain health disorders that require medical treatment. Here's the explanation:

Fungal infections

Fungal foot infection, aka oncycosis, is the most common cause of thickening of the toenails, in addition to aging. Mushroom nails are vulnerable when feet are rarely exposed to the sun or fresh air because they are almost always covered in shoes or socks. Mushrooms thrive in warm and humid environments.

In addition, the habit of plugging in walking or not wearing footwear or using drugs that can reduce immunity can also increase the risk of fungal infections of toenails..


When the foot is hit or crushed by a hard object or has a falling injury during exercise, this can cause trauma that can inhibit the growth of toenails. Trauma or injury to the toenails makes the nail plate easy to thicken and harden. Often using narrow shoes can also cause trauma to the nails.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes the skin to become dry scaly and reddish swollen. Psoriasis can also affect the growth of the nails of the hands and feet so it thickens.

A safe way to treat thickened toenails

  • Soak feet with warm water for 10 minutes, then dry well
  • With a small nail cutter, cut it straight at the top of your toenails so the nails don't break and can cause infection.
  • Don't cut your toenails too deep to avoid injury.
  • Gently nail the nail to remove the sharp part of the nail.

Prevents thickening of the toenails

Thickening of the nails that occur due to fungal infections or trauma can be prevented with the following tips:

  • Keep your feet clean by washing them with soap and water regularly. Dry it with a towel afterwards.
  • Change your socks several times a day. We recommend that you wear cotton socks that can absorb sweat.
  • Use shoes that are suitable for size.
  • Use foot powder to keep your feet dry.
  • Wear flip flops when you are in a pool or a muddy place. Don't plug it in.
  • Cut the toenails properly and make sure the nail cutter is clean.
  • Be careful when doing sports or carrying heavy objects so you don't fall on your toenails.
  • Reduce the use of high heels that can make you fall and hurt your feet.
3 of the most common causes of thickened toenails, plus tips for overcoming them
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