3 Ways to Season Cuisine to Stay Healthy


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Processing healthy foods is not just a matter of cooking food to be cooked. Cooking also requires the ability to spice up food. The right amount of seasoning will give you a delicious taste. However, you must be careful about this one. Because if you mistakenly spice up food, you can turn cooked foods into unhealthy foods.

Tips to spice up food to stay healthy

Here are some ways to spice up dishes that you can try to serve healthy food for your family.

1. Using healthy oil

Oil is one component in cooking that cannot be abandoned. However, the cooking process that uses too high a temperature can make oil turn into a substance that is harmful to the body.

There are various types of oils that can be used for cooking. The criterion of good cooking oil is that the amount of saturated fat is less than the unsaturated fat in the oil composition.

When cooking, oil must be below a certain temperature so as not to oxidize and produce free radicals. Oil is also able to be the biggest contributor to fat in the body. You can minimize this by using healthy oils such as sesame oil or olive oil to serve healthy food.

2. Measuring salt properly

Salt is also one of the important kitchen spices. However, using too much salt can endanger health not only for you, but also for your family members. Therefore, measure the use of salt properly. Salt should not be used for more than 2-3 grams of each serving.

According to Health Canada's recommended nutrition, we only need 115 milligrams of sodium (in comparison, one teaspoon of salt contains 2,000 milligrams of sodium) to live healthy and serve healthy food.

3. Add natural spices

Spice is a spice that turns out to have many benefits for health. You can try using natural spices to spice up your dishes, like the following spices.

  • Cinnamon. Cinnamon has a unique taste that is slightly sweet and spicy. Cinnamon has many health benefits such as being able to nourish digestion, reduce blood sugar, cholesterol in the body.
  • Cardamom. Eating cardamom can prevent bad breath and improve your mood. Cardamom is also useful for improving digestion and appetite health.
  • Clove. Cloves have many anti-bacterial properties in them. Therefore cloves are able to cure toothache naturally.
  • Black pepper. In addition to adding spicy flavor to the cuisine, black pepper is also used as an appetite generator, expectorant, and a good tonic to calm nerves.
  • Turmeric. Turmeric is rich in anti-septic and anti-inflammatory seizures in it. So that turmeric is very useful for treating wounds and bruises. Eating foods containing turmeric is also useful to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.

Food can be healthy for the body depending on how you process it. Therefore you can copy the above method to serve healthy food.

3 Ways to Season Cuisine to Stay Healthy
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