4 Causes of Your Bloody CHAPTER: From Hemorrhoids to Colon Cancer


Medical Video: Blood in your stool? the causes and treatments of rectal bleeding

Bloody often associated with hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Even though there are many other causes which are actually indicative of some dangerous diseases and need immediate treatment. What are the diseases in question? Check out the reviews.

Recognize 4 causes of bloody defecation that you must be aware of

BAB with blackish blood usually caused by injury or bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer or gastric injury). Whereas if the blood is fresh red in the faeces the possibility of abnormalities occurs in the lower gastrointestinal tract (colon cancer, hemorrhoids). Let's identify the four causes of bloody defecation that are quite common in this article.

1. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swelling and inflammation due to widening of the veins in the anal area. Although it is not an acute illness, the pain caused by hemorrhoids is very disturbing.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include bloody fresh red bowls, there are lumps in the anal canal during bowel movements that can be reinserted or cannot be reinserted into the anal canal, and itching around the anus. Hemorrhoids sufferers are advised to have a diet high in fiber to soften the consistency of stool.

The causes of hemorrhoids vary. Hemorrhoids can be genetically lowered, or because the veins are weak in the rectum or anus, or can also be caused by frequent and strong straining (difficulty defecating or diarrhea).

Sitting too long can also cause hemorrhoids. Hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity (overweight), and a lazy lifestyle (inactive) is also one of the triggers for hemorrhoids. Consumption of alcohol and coffee in large quantities and often is also one of the trigger factors.

Alcohol can cause liver disease which will eventually cause blockage of the flow of blood vessels in the rectum or anus, while consuming too much coffee can cause hypertension.

The state of dehydration (lack of fluids) can also be a contributing factor. Dehydration can cause hard stools and difficulty defecating.

2. Intestinal polyps

Polyps are tissue growth from the intestinal wall that protrudes into the intestinal lumen. There are intestinal bowel polyps, some are not stemmed. Patients with polyps may be asymptomatic. However, patients with polyps can also experience complaints of bleeding from the anus. In certain conditions, patients with polyps can experience continuous bleeding that can be life threatening.

3. Bowel cancer

Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers. Risk factors for colon cancer include low vegetable consumption and high consumption of red meat. Cigarettes also increase the risk of developing colon cancer. Symptoms of bowel cancer include bloody bowel movements, changes in stool consistency, difficulty defecating, and weight loss.

In accordance with the study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in April 2013, smokers had a high risk of death or low remission from colon (large intestine) cancer after colon surgery compared to non-smoking individuals.

This research was conducted by Amanda Phipps, from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle involving 2000 people who had colon resection or colon surgery, in which the results showed that 74% of people who did not smoke remained cancer free 3 years after surgery compared to 70% of people who smoked.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), some ingredients in cigarettes can blend with someone's saliva which later can cause colon cancer (colon cancer) or other cancers. ACS estimates that as many as 102,500 Americans will be diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer in 2013, and as many as 40,000 of these patients will die from the disease.

4. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcer is injury to the lining of the stomach. There are several factors that can cause gastric ulcers, including:

  • increased gastric acid due to smoking
  • stressed out
  • genetic factors
  • can also be caused by bacteria (helicobacter pylori).

A person with gastric ulcer usually experiences complaints in the form of heartburn after eating, nausea and bleeding when defecating but is dark in color.So CHAPTER bleed has many causes, some of the above disorders are only some of the causes of bloody bowel movements. If you experience bloody bowel complaints, immediately consult a doctor to get treatment as soon as possible.

4 Causes of Your Bloody CHAPTER: From Hemorrhoids to Colon Cancer
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