4 Healthy Tips to Drink Coffee for Diabetics


Medical Video: Top 7 Super Drink That Help Fight Diabetes

Coffee-based drinks are popular with all groups. The bitter-sour taste is the main attraction for drink lovers from coffee beans. But unfortunately, there are some people with certain conditions that must reduce their love for coffee, which is for people who have diabetes. How is it healthy so that diabetics can still enjoy coffee?

Get to know diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that affects your body in processing blood sugar. Blood sugar is one of the important components in your body, because it is an energy source for your body's brain, muscles, and tissues. If you have diabetes, it means that your body has excess blood sugar and can cause serious health problems. There are 2 types of diabetes, namely type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetics must reduce coffee consumption because ...

Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina found that caffeine can reduce blood flow to the brain. In the study, they found that daily caffeine consumption, especially for people who have diabetes, can reduce cerebral cerebral blood flow by 27 percent.

Healthy tips for drinking coffee for diabetics

As discussed above, in fact there are health effects of drinking coffee for diabetics. Even so, you are still allowed to drink coffee with some provisions and certainly not in large quantities, huh.

Here are tips on drinking healthy coffee if you also want to be able to keep control of the diabetes you have:

1. Limit and pay attention to when to consume coffee

Reducing coffee consumption to just one cup a day can help you manage diabetes, you know. Also pay attention to the time when you drink coffee. For example, you can drink half a cup of coffee a few moments after waking up and drinking half a cup again in the afternoon.

2. Always monitor blood sugar levels

Although you are allowed to drink coffee, you still have to monitor blood sugar levels every day. Check and monitor blood sugar levels after you consume coffee because as is known, coffee can affect glucose levels in the blood. With monitor blood sugar, So you can find out when it's the right time to drink coffee

3. Use a special diabetes sweetener

It's not complete if you drink coffee without sugar. However, sugar and coffee can be a dangerous combination for people with type 2 diabetes. You must be very clever to balance the love of coffee and sweeteners used. Alternatively, you can use special sugar for diabetics as a sweetener for coffee.

There are various choices of non-sugar sweeteners that you can use if you have diabetes. One that is recommended is a natural sweetener made from stevia that contains zero calories, or a low-calorie sweetener containing chromium to improve insulin function in the body, thus helping diabetics to control blood sugar.

4. Change the topping

If you like using creamer, limit the amount of usage, because every spoon of creamer usually has 20-30 calories. Instead of using calorie-dense creamer, it's better to replace it with fat-free milk or not use toppings at all.

4 Healthy Tips to Drink Coffee for Diabetics
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