How Much Fiber Does the Child Need Every Day?


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Infants and children are the age group most often experiencing constipation. The easiest way to deal with constipation in children is to increase the menu of foods that are rich in fiber, such as vegetables and fruits. But apparently, the benefits of fiber are not only that. Foods high in fiber can also prevent the development of diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer in children. So, how many fiber needs of a child must be fulfilled every day to ensure his health?

How many children's fiber needs a day?

Children's fiber needs vary depending on age. Based on the Nutrition Adequacy Rate set by the Indonesian Ministry of Health through the Minister of Health Regulation no. 75 of 2013, this is the amount of daily fiber requirements needed by children:

  • Children aged 0-6 months do not have the recommended fiber
  • 7-11 months: 10 grams of fiber every day
  • 1-3 years: 16 grams of fiber every day
  • 4-6 years: 22 grams of fiber every day
  • 7-9 years old: 26 grams of fiber every day

For children aged 10 years and over, daily fiber requirements are differentiated according to their sex. Here are the details

  • Boys aged 10-12 years: 30 grams of fiber every day
  • Girls aged 10-12 years: 28 grams of fiber every day
  • Boys aged 13-15 years: 35 grams of fiber every day
  • Girls aged 13-15 years 30 grams of fiber every day
  • Boys aged 16-18 years: 37 grams of fiber every day
  • Girls aged 16-18 years: 30 grams of fiber every day

The fiber needs of children can also be seen from the condition of the stool

Sometimes, children need different amounts of fiber than the standard above. This need is also influenced by the level of physical activity of children, defecation patterns, and daily food intake.

Parents can estimate whether the child's fiber intake is enough or not see the condition of the stool.Normal stool color is brownish, maybe a little greenish, and not hard textured. Hard stools, difficult to remove (can be seen when the child groans in pain during bowel movements), and rarely defecate, meaning that he has constipation and lack of fiber.

When children are constipated, multiply the variety of fibrous foods in their diet every day. But don't forget to accompany the portion of water that is also multiplied. Most eating fiber without adequate fluid intake can also cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea and constipation. If the child continues to complain about his stomach bloating and squeezing, the sign is that he mostly eats fiber.

Based on this information, you can adjust the fiber needs of children according to their conditions - does it really need to be reproduced or reduced. Good, consult further with the pediatrician or nutritionist to design a child's daily eating arrangement.

Where are the sources of fiber obtained?

Sources of fiber can be found in fruits and vegetables, wheat products, nuts, and milk and products.

  • Whole oatmeal: one serving of oatmeal porridge contains about 10 grams of fiber
  • Apples and pears: One medium sized apple contains 3.3 grams of fiber and 5.5 grams of fiber from pears with the skin.
  • Carrot: one medium-sized carrot containing 2 grams of fiber.
  • Bananas and oranges: 1 banana and orange provide 3.1 grams of fiber.
  • Bread: White bread has an average of 2 grams of fiber per slice, wheat bread has a higher fiber content.
  • Spaghetti: ½ cup of boiled spaghetti provides 1.7 grams of fiber.
  • Strawberry: 150 grams of fresh strawberries provide 4.8 grams of daily dietary fiber
  • 100 grams of white rice provide 0.5 grams of fiber, while Red rice with the same amount supplying 1.7 grams of fiber.
How Much Fiber Does the Child Need Every Day?
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