5 Alternative Therapies That Can Relieve the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment


Medical Video: Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

Cancer is still a frightening disease for most people. However, due to advancements in the medical field, the cancer cure rate is increasing now. This is also supported by various alternative therapies that are given to help treat cancer. LAlu, what are some alternative cancer treatments that can help speed up the healing of the disease? Then, is this alternative cancer treatment safe to do together with chemotherapy or radiotherapy?

Various types of alternative cancer treatments to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy

Actually, alternative cancer treatments alone cannot make cancer cells die or inhibit their growth. However, this assisted therapy is intended to make patients more comfortable, strong, and safe when experiencing treatment.

In addition, alternative cancer treatments are also considered to reduce the symptoms and side effects caused by medical treatment so that the therapy can run smoothly and faster. What alternative therapies can be done to help treat cancer?

1. Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise that is considered safe for cancer patients who are undergoing cancer treatment. This exercise trains breathing and helps to flex the body so as not to make cancer patients tired, it makes them relaxed and comfortable.

Some studies have proven that cancer patients who do yoga regularly while undergoing their main treatment are more relaxed and don't experience too many side effects of treatment.

2. Acupuncture

Alternative medicine originating from the country of bamboo has now become an additional therapy recommended for cancer sufferers. In various studies it has been proven that acupuncture can relieve symptoms arising from cancer treatment, such as nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, fatigue, and depression.

In addition, acupuncture is also proven to increase appetite and prevent someone from losing excessive weight that often occurs when a person is undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. If you want to do this therapy, then look for an acupuncture therapist who is licensed or certified.

3. Acupressure

Similar to acupuncture, but not using needles, acupressure is considered an alternative cancer treatment that can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. A study conducted on 100 cancer patients who were given acupressure therapy during ongoing chemotherapy stated that this therapy was quite effective in preventing or alleviating nausea.

4. Massage

Massage can also be your choice to make yourself relaxed, comfortable, and certainly able to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment. Even this method is quite safe for people who have advanced cancer.

But, be careful with certain parts. For those of you who have a type of solid cancer, avoid massage on the parts of the body affected by the cancer. Massage can trigger dense cancer to grow bigger.If you are undergoing radiation, then you should also avoid massage parts that are exposed to radiation, because usually the skin around the body is more sensitive.

5. Aromatherapy

You can use aromatherapy oil to make yourself comfortable and relaxed during the cancer treatment. Choose essential oils like peppermint or eucalyptus, which have a strong, yet calming aroma.You can rub it on some parts of your skin or you can use it as your marinade mixture.

5 Alternative Therapies That Can Relieve the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
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