5 Natural Phlegm Diluents You Can Find at Home


Medical Video: 5 Remedies That Remove Phlegm & Mucus Fast

Maybe you've heard the word expectorant. Yes, the expectorants you hear from cough medicine advertisements or even you read directly from the packaging of phlegm remedies, are substances that are thought to be able to relieve phlegm in the throat. Phlegm is produced directly by the body, but if too much will make the days uncomfortable. Then can phlegm be removed without medication? What are the ingredients that can be a natural phlegm thinner?

Various kinds of natural phlegm thinners

You don't need drugs just to relieve phlegm that builds up in your throat. There are some natural ingredients that you can find at home that can thin out phlegm. Here are natural phlegm thinners:

1. Onions

Onions include natural phlegm thinners because they are thought to work like expectorants in the body. This spice actually contains irritant compounds that can stimulate you to cough and expel phlegm.

You can add a slice of onion to your warm soup or you can mix small pieces of onion into lemon juice with added sugar.

2. Radish

Radish is a type of vegetable that is believed to help your throat free from accumulated phlegm. Not only that, radish is also able to help overcome sore throat, increase appetite, and help heal you from flu and cough. These foods work by stimulating the immune system to be more powerful in attacking infecting bacteria and viruses.

Until now there is no definite dose in the use of radishes. But adding radish to your warm soup can be a good alternative.

3. Honey

Not only does it taste good, you can rely on honey to deal with excessive phlegm in your throat. A study conducted on children who experience strep throat, honey turned out to succeed in accelerating inflammation healing and removing phlegm.

If the sputum is very disturbing, you can try mixing honey into your warm tea. But honey should not be given to children under 1 year of age to reduce the risk of botulism.

4. Ginger

This natural phlegm thinner is certainly very to be obtained. In addition to being a basic ingredient in various cuisines, ginger is also relied upon as an effective alternative medicine to overcome several health problems such as one of them is flatulence and nausea.

If you want to get rid of phlegm by using ginger, then you can add pieces of ginger to your warm drink. But, ginger is not too effective for those of you who experience sore throat.

5. Mint leaves

The strong taste of mint leaves can make your throat more relieved, because these leaves contain menthol which has a function to reduce the production of phlegm and shed a thick pile of phlegm. If you have mint leaves, you can put them in your warm tea, so that phlegm quickly disappears.

5 Natural Phlegm Diluents You Can Find at Home
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